ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerMedicPyro  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

International ScrumpyBashers

Posted by Pinkamena: | Last Online:

We are looking for pyro, medic, engineer and demoman. If you want to join you have to have the following: A sense of humour, able to speak English, and a mic (If not we can discuss). This is our first time in div 6 but we are familiar with the rules and meta. We have a highlander sever we can use for personal use. Last off we don't flip our shit when something goes wrong so if you're fine with that then add away. \o/

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  1. Jack "Ace" Doe: VNC said:

    how do i join

  2. AzJester: CB<3 said:

    Hey, I’m a huge player of pyro and have about 200 hours as pyro, i can teamplay and co-ordinate well, I’m english and want to get into competitive, I am very good is normal TF2 games, and want to give 6s a try, my time is flexable and can always make it for games, I have a mic and I’m 15 (yes my voice isnt deep haha) but if you are interested in recruiting me message me on skype (willem.kimberley123) thanks :)


  3. sebicjusz: AW-P said:

    I can play as a engineer. I have 200 hours as a pyro (1700 total hours in TF2). I have a mic and I’m 19. If you are interested in recruiting me add me on steam.

  4. Jordlenny said:

    I play Pyro and Medic have little time in game but I’m a consistant player. Always up for a laugh, British have a mic and skype/razer comms. (jordlenny0-Skype/Jordlenny-Razer Comms). Sent an applictaion to the team already. Trying to get into competitive.


  5. Jester: CB<3 said:

    Oops, forgot to leave my steam link if you want to add me :)

  6. Jester: CB<3 said:

    Sorry again I am slow today haha this is the actual link

  7. Jordlenny said:

    Also forgot to leave my steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JordlennyGaming/