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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Portugal scofield

Posted: | Last Online:

can play d4 roamer or d5 pocket

feel free to add me

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:106700052 Add Friend

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Joined La Parodia [6v6] rusk0'
Left La Parodia [6v6] scofield
Joined La Parodia [6v6] Kriptz
Left A1815520513 [1v1] scofield
Joined A1815520513 [1v1] scofield
Joined ROCKSTRAT 2 [6v6 Fun Team] Spanns
Left Titans sponsored by eyeoctane.org [Highlander] scofield
Left ROCKSTRAT [6v6] scofield
Joined ROCKSTRAT [6v6] Spanns
Joined Titans sponsored by eyeoctane.org [Highlander] tXX
Left I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS [6v6 Fun Team] scofield
Left ROCKSTRAT [6v6] scofield
Joined I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS [6v6 Fun Team] .
Joined ROCKSTRAT [6v6] Spanns
Left Bullet!Club [6v6] scofield
Left BBall Colossi [2v2] scofield
Joined Bullet!Club [6v6] san alex
Joined BBall Colossi [2v2] benny
Left ຈل͜ຈ ʜᴏᴡ ᴅɪᴅ ʜᴇ sᴇᴇ ᴍᴇ ຈل͜ຈ [2v2] scofield
Joined ຈل͜ຈ ʜᴏᴡ ᴅɪᴅ ʜᴇ sᴇᴇ ᴍᴇ ຈل͜ຈ [2v2] scofield
Left Jail Break Tryhards [2v2] scofield
Left Rekdtube [6v6] scofield
Joined Jail Break Tryhards [2v2] BRASILGORILA99
Left Synchronized [2v2] scofield
Joined Rekdtube [6v6] POltron
Left Rekdtube [6v6] scofield
Joined Rekdtube [6v6] darkbruno
Left Anti-Aurora Prophecy [6v6] scofield
Joined Anti-Aurora Prophecy [6v6] wand00m
Left StyX [6v6] scofield
Joined Synchronized [2v2] Fuxx
Joined StyX [6v6] LilCute
Left Emporia Gaming [6v6] scofield
Joined Emporia Gaming [6v6] scofield

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  1. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    worst bball eu

  2. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    but besides sucking at bball he is a solid div4 roamer and can div5 pocket, just has 2 get some more pocket mentality

  3. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    can solid div3 engi offclass aswell

  4. Dualc said:


  5. Fuxx said:

    severely underrated honestly he’s the type of player who could easily jump several divisions at once if he gets the proper practice with the proper team

  6. Bona: PMW said:

    IMO he makes too much plays for the sake of plays, but his DM is good and he’s a nice guy. Raise ur B1

    Solid div4

  7. Spanns: :3 - DBLE said:

    The only thing he can’t airshot is himself

  8. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    worst player doesnt buy me flip flops wow solid div3 engi offclass tho :^)

  9. . said:

    Insanely good player, he’s a prodigy in rocket jumping and an unstoppable Roamer. Not so sure about his pocket ability.

    Either way will carry div5 easily and will certainly adapt to div4 easily aswell.