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Soldier  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Finland Salmon

Posted: | Last Online:

come talk to me.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:11201794 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined ALFASAURUS [6v6] neon
Left ALFASAURUS [6v6] neon
Left Finland [National 6v6 Team] Cauthon
Joined ALFASAURUS [6v6] Tombahh
Left shredded autism [6v6] Salmon
Joined shredded autism [6v6] amppis
Left Lutuset [6v6] Salmon
Joined Lutuset [6v6] Santtu
Left The MIPC Organization [6v6] Salmon
Joined hePPa [Highlander] Roque
Joined The MIPC Organization [6v6] Tunttu
Left Fenneks eSports by SimRai.com [season 18 [6v6] Salmon
Joined Fenneks eSports by SimRai.com [season 18 [6v6] Salmon
Left The frenchy survived [6v6] Salmon
Left Finland [National Highlander Team] yonus
Joined Finland [National 6v6 Team] Salmon
Joined Finland [National Highlander Team] Salmon
Joined The frenchy survived [6v6] Salmon
Left Lutuset [6v6] Salmon
Joined Lutuset [6v6] Salmon
Left rip [6v6] Salmon
Joined rip [6v6] Salmon
Left rip [6v6] Salmon
Joined rip [6v6] Salmon
Left Sosi [6v6] Salmon
Joined Sosi [6v6] Salmon
Left AVENUE eSports [6v6] Salmon
Joined Man vs. Wild [1v1] Salmon
Joined AVENUE eSports [6v6] Salmon
Left Batman [6v6] Salmon
Joined ATK-gamers [2v2] Salmon
Left KUKKO [Highlander] Salmon
Joined Batman [6v6] Salmon
Left illegal [6v6] Salmon
Joined KUKKO [Highlander] Salmon
Joined illegal [6v6] xzr
Left illegal [6v6] xzr
Joined illegal [6v6] xzr
Joined sammakko [6v6 Fun Team] Salmon

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem 12 1222
View Prem 9 1246
View Div 1 10 677


  1. kos: ft. - bobs said:

    one of my favourite gamers, smartz and finnish. incoming skeej essay 3 2 1

  2. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    <3 salmon

    especially when caught in the wild by a bear

    and grilled

  3. Luzzu said:

    Really surprised me when we played against him, definitely a beast !

  4. fl1p said:

    solid soldier

  5. delzic: fnx.simrai said:


  6. wolve: [d¿s] - LEGO said:

    The sickest roamer.

  7. msh said:


  8. Brego: O-O said:

    this guy is fucking amazing…get him

  9. Tek: ft. said:


  10. Septique said:

    Insane roamer!

  11. Bulle: Epsilon - LEGO said:

    really nice guy and overall pretty good soldier!
    best ultibuddies out there <3

  12. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    did anyone mention he’s sick at roaming

  13. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    i miss playing ulti with this man

  14. Trane said:

    Pretty good at MvM. Also nice guy!