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Medic  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Ryushi

Posted: | Last Online:

Been playing for a few teams as medic. i would say my skill level is low div 5/high div 6
I have 3 seasons of hl experience but looking to actually start taking 6's a lot more seriously. I was in season 14 but left cause the leader was a dick. Happy to just turn up and play but also would like a team to have a bit of fun while still taking it seriously.
I have a mumble and a server.
English only as i am stupid and cant learn anymore languages.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:67814767 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Hang Loose [6v6] Ryushi
Joined Hang Loose [6v6] PIPSQUEAK
Left International Oral Sex [6v6] Ryushi
Left One Round Wonders Retirement Home [6v6 Fun Team] Ryushi
Left Jewish Mumble Collective [LAN Team] Ryushi
Left Chilli Nøtter [Highlander] Ryushi
Joined International Oral Sex [6v6] Deox
Left Balls Deep [6v6] Ryushi
Joined Cumsults Sponsored by Aunty Donna [2v2] Meeto
Joined Chilli Nøtter [Highlander] Hot
Left Chilli Nøtter [Highlander] Ryushi
Joined Chilli Nøtter [Highlander] Ryushi
Joined Balls Deep [6v6] Hot
Left TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] Ryushi
Joined One Round Wonders Retirement Home [6v6 Fun Team] jwso
Joined TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] Ryushi
Joined Jewish Mumble Collective [LAN Team] Ryushi
Left TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] St3n
Joined TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] Ryushi
Left Alaskan Pipeline [2v2] Ryushi
Left North Korea [National 6v6 Team] Ryushi
Left Multiple Orgasms [Highlander] Ryushi
Joined Multiple Orgasms [Highlander] Ryushi
Left is this dota? [6v6] Ryushi
Left One Round Wonders [Highlander] Ryushi
Joined North Korea [National 6v6 Team] Ryushi
Joined Alaskan Pipeline [2v2] Ryushi
Joined is this dota? [6v6] Ryushi
Left Status Effect Combined [6v6] Ryushi
Joined Status Effect Combined [6v6] Ryushi
Joined One Round Wonders [Highlander] Ryushi
Left Anonymous Gentlemen [Highlander] Ryushi
Joined Anonymous Gentlemen [Highlander] Ryushi

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid/High 10 601
View Div 4 6 488
View Div 5/Div 6 4 637
View Div 4/Div 5 6 430


  1. Sapphira said:

    Great comms
    Great Guy
    Fucking funny
    Brilliant Medic

  2. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    He’s weird. But also good at pointing people with a device that somehow magically heals them, all while dressed in a skin-tight latex-uniform. Should pick him up :)

  3. Kofeinas: sn said:

    A damn good medic with a talent of getting the best plays from people. Knows how to run the team properly, always going all out in games. Definitely a guy you want for your team not just for he’s plays but for the team spirit as well.

  4. jakeowaty said:

    Played a lot of HL scrims, mixes and lobbies with this guy and I know, that he is a consistent Med. Doesn’t get discouraged by occasional drops, even more, he plays better. Knows the heal priority excellently, his calls are clear and understandable, it would be a big waste not to pick him up.

  5. Flood said:

    A good medic with a lot of potential. He knows his shit and on top of that is a pretty awesome guy. Would be a good asset to a team. Good Luck!

  6. GiddyM0 said:

    Awesome Medic. Very friendly and calm. ALways fin to have time with him :)

  7. Winterz: (è_é) said:

    Been my medic for more than 9 months. “insert lovely compliment”

  8. Xearo: GTD said:

    Added for a chat. :)

  9. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:
