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Soldier  Prem/Div 1 Skill, 6v6

European Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work

Posted by Old_Grandma: | Last Online:

Tviq only wants to play bad games so we're on the lookout for a new roaming soldier.

We've been promoted to prem next season and hopefully we won't get utterly destroyed.

Add Fish and ONLY Fish for trial. If you add me I will go apeshit.

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  1. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:


  2. ilike2spin: RLM said:


  3. Typh0n: AUTOBOTS said:

    Great bunch of guys ! Gl ;)

  4. Fish: UCAP. said:

    Grandma is the worst person to do anything

    We will be back active in August when the might justice returns to save us all and flex his new muscles.

    We are looking for a soldier similar to tviq its has to be a roam with a brain who will fly around act like super man.

    Please dont add me if you have not played in div 1 at least i dont want to have a huge list of trials i just wanna pick a soldier up and continue,

    when back active we play 4 nights a week and play in what ever cups etc come up etc

    you must have comms not be an idiot and be able to get more airshots than grandma so the bar is low.

    hugs and kisses

  5. TviQuEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: ft. - 007 said:

    LOL You guys are shit dont join they will steal your bikes ALL OF THEM I PROMISE :>

  6. destructo said:


  7. TviQuEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: ft. - 007 said:

    Btw fish I am Superman!

  8. sidestep: (ETF2L Donator) - bobs said:

    So here I am
    doing everything I can
    holding on to what I am
    pretending I’m a superman

  9. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    grandmas such a little twignerd I could blow gently and crush his body.

    Rest are gud.

  10. Thalash: wG - S-O said:


  11. 2nuts: . said:

    Hey Thalash I wish there was a way for me to play better, like you… but the one thing that is stopping me is my view-models, they keep getting in the way… do you know of a way to keep the view-model BUT at the same time remove it?… so sort of like a see through view-model I guess, in plug-in form if possible.
    Thanks in advance

  12. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:


  13. Thalash: wG - S-O said:


    Yes 2nuts, as I already told you and Grandma multiple times.. There’s this amazing plugin which basically makes your weapon viewmodels transparent. Noone has been caught using it even though vac does not allow it. Except some shitkid Thalash who got banned, but we all know he used triggerbooot.

    I hope you’re able to find this extraordinary plugin somewhere on the internet.


  14. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    I also wish to inquiry about said plugin.

  15. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:


  16. Gubbins said:

    I added old grandma. He played ghetto music and told me to fuck off back to africa. =/ Help me fish.

  17. Gubbins said:

    Fish, once again I have added old_grandma. He linked me to a song where the N word featured many times. He then called me on skype, showed himself masturbating to a picture of my sister while sodomizing himself. He said that the only way I’d ever get to prem is to whore myself out to yourself and then shat on his webcam and sang “It was a good day” by Ice Cube. Any updates?

  18. poxie said:

    sounds like a certified trial to me :/

    when i joined them granny stripped down to his underwear, spanked himself and sang ‘real niggaz dont die’, while on mumble.

  19. Hat said:

    add Old_Grandma for any inquiries!
