ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanHeavyMedicPyroScoutSpy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European Right Way

Posted by Bibble-Bobble: | Last Online:

Looking for the listed classes (subs from now on, check text below).
Contact me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/joonatanvevo
I look at your SKILL, not your gameplay videos ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh and if you have a thing where you worry about being a substitute, you'll 1v1 (mge if possible) with the other person to get to main team/substitute spot.


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  1. JustBookIT: {RW} said:

    Hey, im looking to subsitute for the team.
    Im looking to be Soldier, Sniper, Scout or Demo (we could change it up a little, if you feel like scout or i feel like scout)
    I have 100+ on Soldier Sniper Scout and 80+ on demo. total of 1200+ hours on TF2
    My time zone is CEST.
    Really looking to play some comp, im getting bored of pubs.
    Sincerly Purple Minion ( plz dont look at my name its weird.)

  2. Brumpel said:

    Hi,Im not that good and have only some hours but could I join your team as pyro or spy?

  3. Make: AEUGH - bjT said:

    Hi i am interested on the scout spot and would like if you added me for more talk.

  4. Postas: {RW} said:

    Hi :3

  5. {RW}GOD(slo): {RW} said:

    hi im a good soldier can i join=) ?

  6. Roasted!: {RW} said:

    Great Team Yolo swaggins :D

  7. tomcat866 said:

    i wanna join engineer

  8. Mafyu: [TCC] said:

    Heya, I’d like to sub as Scout (which is by far my best) or Solly, which I’m still pretty good at. I’m English so I speak it fluently, and bear in mind my time zone is BST.

  9. tomcat866 said:

    hello i can play both “main”, w me for interest

  10. Zinx: {RW} said:

    I’d like to be a snipar

  11. Varx: {RW} said:

    I can use my hands to play as the demonstrations man.

  12. spooks said:

    looking to sub engi

  13. BakY said:

    Hi, I’m looking to be sub , I’m good as solider but im not bad in engi/pyro/spy to , i just have problem with realtek audio cause i use xp and sounds are rly bad sometimes.

  14. .:PUMA:. said:

    Hi I’m looking to be sub, I’m good as medic/engi/pyro, Ipm the type of who like to support the team so when i play medic I heal all the players, as engi I il try to make always teleporters to make the team get faster to the front and as pyro I normaly protect the engi from the spy.