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Soldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany Remote_

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello there, potential future team of mine.

So as for me, I main soldier on which class I have 500 hours and am capable of playing both pocket and roamer.
However I would really prefer to be roamer over pocket since jumping around is one of the greatest things you can do as a soldier, in my opinion. So in addition to that, I played in D6 for a complete season which happens to be S13 and then moved up to D5 with said team, but dropped out which is why I am now ready to join a new team to play and have fun with.

Now with that being said I'm looking forward to hear from you soon and therefore feel free to add me to
further disclose on things if you're interested in having me be a worthwhile addition to your team


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:64641568 Add Friend

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