ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

England rAye.

Posted: | Last Online:

due to my current team not being active enough and slowly losing interest in TF2 for other games, i am looking for a new team.
-I would prefer to join a stable div4 team as solly (top div4), can play a bit of demo and medic (but only if im in a good mood).
-Have had plenty of experience in teams and know the general tactics for maps.
-I\'m not looking for newly formed teams where teamwork is next to none.
-Good clear english comms is neccesary, and use mumble.

Thanks, add me on steam:El_Raymond or ingame nick: rAye. and the \'Inflatable Bean\'

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37286151 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Vuze. [6v6] Beefy
Left STRIP [6v6] rAye.
Joined STRIP [6v6] rAye.
Left Vuze. [6v6] rAye.
Joined Vuze. [6v6] rAye.
Left Monkey-Gamers [6v6] rAye.
Joined Monkey-Gamers [6v6] David
Left Bean Tales [6v6] rAye.
Joined Bean Tales [6v6] rAye.
Left Drone72 [6v6] rAye.
Joined Drone72 [6v6] rAye.
Left The Postal Service [6v6] rAye.
Joined The Postal Service [6v6] rAye.
Left Face Palm! [6v6] rAye.
Joined Tea Clan [Highlander] oblivion
Joined Face Palm! [6v6] Beefy
Left Face Palm! [6v6] Beefy
Joined Face Palm! [6v6] Beefy
Left Condemned UK [6v6] rAye.
Joined Condemned UK [6v6] bluemeat

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3 8 542


  1. Gamb1t: PStM - DStS said:

    some say he likes beans…
    Amazing guy outside the game, good humour, great player easily div 4.
    Pick him up!

  2. Dauk said:

    amazing guy

  3. Swarlz said:

    mid-?, get yourself in a solid top div 3 team.
    Solid soldier great comms and brilliant game sense – get this guy.

  4. DarK. said:

    Great guy, although has a bean fetish, would be an asset to any div 4 team!

  5. Hoppy: Vuze. said:

    what swarlz said +9000

  6. Up: .:ne:. said:

    Absolutely lovely guy and a great soldier. I would definitely say mid- is underrating himself.
    Anyone that disagrees doesn’t know what they’re chatting.

  7. f1shface: .:ne:. said:

    Great soldier, great guy and a great farmer. I’d have to agree with others and say that he would be able to play div 4 easy and that maybe he’d be more suited to a div 3 one.

  8. jUICY: TF2 is ... said:

    Raye is without a doubt one of the nicest people I have met online from the brief time that I have known and played with him.

    I don’t like bull on a recruitment post so I’ll tell it straight, Raye takes div 5 in his stride, from my experience he plays at a solid div 4 standard and I feel, although he may not be ready for higher divisions yet, he has unimaginable potential if given the chance. (But its cool guys I don’t know what I’m chatting!)

    Good luck bean :)

  9. Mikeyt03: Vuze. said:

    If you want to know the real secrets about raye you will have to message me privately! or if you wanna know general stuff i think the above comments are sufficient. no way no why!

    Translation= lol hes all good and stuff like bare div 4 and ting!

    much love Raye! big up my cold ridden homie!

  10. bulletproofsmurf: Vuze. said:


    rain make me potatoe

  11. rAye.: Vuze. - T. said:

    lol thanks smurf :D


  12. Zeks: T. said:

    One of the nicest guys I’ve played with.

    He’s also pretty good at solly.

  13. Pyle said:

    There is no other way then loving Ray !

  14. Oceanlab.: aeg` said:

    Extremely nice guy, only know him for a brief time but he’s a great person. Great pocketing skills, great gamesense, wish you must luck in finding a solid team rAye!

  15. Gaz: TPS said:


  16. Gaz: TPS said: