ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates This is not a team.

Posted by Ritty Ratty: | Last Online:

Hello all! This is a team for noobs by noobs! I put together this team in the hopes of finding people like me who just want a step up from the normal screaming 10 year old TF2 match! I know some people commented on the site for the old team, but i am sad to say that i may have accidentally left that team………..leaving no one in it to accept requests. My humblest apologies, to any one who this may inconvenience. Now I am not sure if this will be a 6v6 or Highlander, mainly becuase I have yet to decide which one is more enjoyable, but i will leave this decision to anyone who wishes to join this team! Any and all skill levels and players wanted! The only requirement is that you have a mic! Now I am located on the West Coast of USA, so it may be difficult to schedule meetings for anyone in a different time zone, like England or other countries in that area, but I hope to make it work! If you have read this ridiculously long description, then kudos to you!

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  1. proky: G - MM25 said:

    I can play sniper
    Add me on steam!

  2. danielkuzmin said:

    I can do Med, Pyro, Scout, and possibly Soldier. I don’t have a mic yet, but that’s only because mine broke and I’m planning on getting one pretty soon. I have more than 1,000 hours in TF2, have a decent amount of experience in lobbies, and live in US West.

    I’d prefer to do Highlander.

    Your description fits me perfectly, I’d like a step up from pubs, but nothing too serious. I’d like a bit of experience in the competitive scene before I go on to higher leagues.

  3. 4u5t1n: 6>9 said:

    I main Soldier and Scout (a bit of pyro) and I have 900 hours of tf2 eventhough I have a low amount of hours I still think that you should atleast give me a chance to prove myself.I do have a mic and I live in England and I would rather tell you my age on steam if we add eachother

  4. Vinylscratch_n_Burn said:

    American Midwest here, I play Pyro Demo and Medic primarily and would love to get into a little comp play!

  5. Nachonaut said:

    I’m up to do soldier. Prepared to display my skillset if the need arises. Also, Id prefer highlander.

  6. Meow said:

    Hey, I’m interested. All though I may have a little too high voice, I either won’t speak often or won’t scream. Add me if you’d like me to join


  7. Predemo said:

    Hi, im playing soldier (88 hours played without AFK) i would like to be in your team just to see if im good :) my soldier backpack is worth over 2 keys :) add me on steam if i could be in a team :)

  8. Predemo said:

    P.S my steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060489655/

  9. Dr. Girlfriend said:

    Medic Main looking to play in the HLO!

  10. ginga80: flutesquad said:

    I can play Sniper if you don’t already have one.

  11. PabloLoveYou said:

    I can play scout :D

  12. Ritty Ratty said:

    Ok guys, I definitely wanna get this going, but im gonna need you guys to join the steam group so we can coordinate better.
    Here is the url, once you join the group, we can work on figuring out who is best at playing what, and then i can officially invite you into the team on this site.

  13. Jordgubba said:

    i could play pyro, soldier, demoman, medic, and possibly scout

  14. Ritty Ratty said:

    Ok well just join the steam group, im going to give everyone a week to join, and then we will see where we are at.
    So next weekend we will figure out who will be playing what position

  15. DeviousWolf4: v77 - CENATION said:

    European med/pyro/engie here! :3 Got a microphone and happy attitude, so i’m sure i’ll make a good addition. :D 1600+ tf2 hours, 50ish TF2 Lobbies played and right now i’m at 41 lobbies of TF2 Center. Oh and i have hats too. :D