ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European Quasar

Posted by MontyKhan: | Last Online:

We're a newly founded Euro 6s team with it's own UK based server, looking for a Pocket Soldier, though we'll also trial Roamers. No comp. experience necessary, though we are looking for at least 800 hours.

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  1. Jorge said:


    Im Jorge, 21 years old and studying in the UK and i would like to be a part of your team. Even though i haven’t played in competitive yet (although i am a steel highlander sub), i very much enjoy lobbies in tf2centre and would love to play even more competitive. I will start next season in UGC 6s too which would also mean more practice and experience.
    I have a lot of free time specially in the evenings so scrims and training sessions would not be a problem!

    Links to my profile and tf2centre account:

    Hoping to hear from you soon, Jorge :)

  2. Cyber: ◄PmP► - SWPLD said:

    Hi! Im a young 13 year old and I have currently over 2200 hours on team fortress 2, I am writing to become a roamer. I am english speaking and live in the London. I would love to be part of your team. I haven’t got any experience in any seasons but recently ive been playing many lobbies and I have a strong passion to get better and learn more!