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EngineerMedicPyroScoutSniperSpy  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates A Psychotic Xylophon

Posted: | Last Online:

Please accept, I have 300 hours of experience and I main Spy, Scout, and Pyro. Can also do Sniper Engineer, and Medic. I play the rest proficiently but not as well as the rest.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:179260800 Add Friend

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  1. otis said:

    i’ll join. i main scout, but could also do engie.

  2. Ragnar The Red said:

    Hello , im interested in joining with you . I mostly main soldier but can play Demo , Medic or Engi if necesarry.

  3. A Psychotic Xylophon said:

    okay. Sure, I’ll accept both of you. I’ll start a team.

  4. A Psychotic Xylophon said:

    Highlander? I have a few friends that I want to invite, so I was thinking 9v9, but if you guys want I’ll do 6v6.

  5. True_Insane_Assassin said:

    I will join.
    I am one mean Pyro.

  6. A Psychotic Xylophon said:

    Alright. I’m adding you guys. Accept the invite.

  7. max said:

    i do spy pyro and sniper. i would love to join and slaughter with you

  8. Epicsauce102 said:

    I can join. Engineer and Pyro are my weakest classes.

  9. 4TheLems: NATO said:

    hi i do soldier,pyro,scout solly & pyro i do best but i can do scout if nesesary

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