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Scout  High Skill, 6v6

European Project@

Posted by binkkye: | Last Online:

looking for something top or something chill

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  1. Condawg: DTR said:

    you’re gonna need some good scouts tho bud

  2. XO - said:

    Maybe give players who are looking more info when you play and maybe what your team roaster is right now and gl

  3. shoras said:

    bink prem?

  4. binkkye said:

    xo, roster is unconfirmed hence why i didn’t post it. But trials are looking strong rn we are currently trialling

    scouts: bink – sjoeberg

    roamer: wonzu

    pocket: warhuhyeah

    demo: ixy

    med: babs.

  5. Condawg: DTR said:

    High/Prem Skill, 6on6

    med: babs.

  6. Condawg: DTR said:


    scouts: bink

  7. binkkye said:

    c0rndog what team are you on again?

  8. Condawg: DTR said:

    the sorrydoingalevels team

  9. WRU said:

    whos babs

  10. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:

    im not letting sjoe trial for ur shitty team

  11. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:

    and ixy as well wtf

  12. shoras said:

    @WRU some girl

  13. XO - said:

    ok just saying but gl man

  14. Lupus: L_? said:

    please trial me I would love to be with a team with Oneshoe CYKA PIZDQ NAHUI

  15. wonszu said:

    Never again

  16. Condawg: DTR said:

    is this the same bink who hasnt won a game in high?

  17. Phnx: kZk said:

    bink confirmed better than beavern, join his prem project!