ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroSniperSoldier  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European Professional Anus Destroyers

Posted by Brandon: | Last Online:

So we are the Professional Anus Destroyers and we are looking for semi talented guys who aren't assholes.
Atm looking for subs for every class except scout.
Contact me for joining.

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  1. nahka: Pyroishard - `(OvO)´ said:

    Not looking for assholes? Seems kinda counterproductive.

  2. Brandon: |#PAN| said:

    looking for guys who arent assholes, do u have any problems with it lol?

  3. Payme: goth. said:

    I just added you on Steam :)

    My name is KayaK for reference, I registered close to a year ago as Payme. We’ll chat some more on Steam I guess.

  4. DrunknLama said:

    Hello, I play solly/scout/spy/sniper, add me on steam if interested

    p.s. not an asshole :D

  5. Dante Inferno said:

    I play a meh medic, spy and demo. I can play emergency solly+ I am not an asshole.

  6. Dante Inferno said:

    But, I am a pubber. Add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198105479713/

  7. Mr. Mustachio: Yes said:

    hello. i could take the sniper (sniper sub) spot if you want.

  8. Tartiflette said:

    Me, an asshole ? hu hu !
    My main class is the Medic, but i can play heavy or sniper or your mama in a BOX !
    Add me, Mate !

  9. JugonEx said:

    I can give you a hand if you need it, im not a pro but maybe i can help. My english is not the best, but i can say a couple of things i think. Add me if you are interested :D