ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyPyro  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

International Pravda Girls High School

Posted by Holiday: | Last Online:

We're a new, fresh-faced Highlander team signed up for Season 7. Our previous Pyro and Heavy went AWOL shortly before the start of the season, and we really don't want to have to use mercs every week, so we're looking for a new Pyro and Heavy to join our starting lineup. What you need: TF2, Mumble, a working mic, and decent English. What we can offer: A friendly environment for players looking to get into Highlander. If you're interested, just add our captain, Holiday (U:1:60203150).

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Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 6 3 284
View Div 6 0 135
View Div 6 0 124
View Div 6 1 163
View Div 6 1 258
View Div 6 0 105
View Div 6 2 238


  1. Karbon said:

    I’d like to apply for the pyro spot.
    My experience consists of UGC 4s Div. 3 (Mind you, there is only 4 Divs to begin with) as Sub Soldier and UGC 6s Div. 5 Roamer Sub
    I have TF2, mumble, a pod-casting mic, and fluent English, so fluent that sometimes I don’t grammar properly…
    As far as Pyro hours, I don’t have very much, (22) but I already understand the meta and the hours I do have have been used on TF2Center/Lobby as well as offclassing in my other leagues.
    If I seem like a valid candidate, you can add me on steam-http://steamcommunity.com/id/TurboKarbon/

  2. WML said:

    Interested in the heavy position. Don’t have any experience in lobbies as heavy though ._..