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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Albania >>>

Posted by maalen: | Last Online:


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  1. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:

    should honestly just go back to open, atleast you’ll maybe win a couple of games

  2. maalen said:

    lol like anyone takes you seriously

  3. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:


  4. YooT: HOUND - HOUND said:

    lol funny josh

  5. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:

    thank you YooT x

  6. maalen said:

    lol you can barely get to open semi-finals and then you get shit on time and time again, i really dont think you get to say who’s bad and good

  7. khamba said:

    classic josh who always try to talk shit , then you realise how bad he is lmao

  8. maalen said:


  9. mlodzier said:

    Despite of Josh shittalker, still kinda balla behaviour going to mid with one legit low game won

  10. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:

    facts don’t care about your feelings

  11. maalen said:

    i’ve played mid/div2 for a few months prior to s36, it was more of a fun season. plus i don’t think you can really judge after a year of data went missing and not having played with me.

  12. TK_: MILKY said:

    if you have played mid/d2, how do you struggle to win games in low lol

  13. maalen said:

    cuz i wasnt there for half of the games, plus i am playing on the flank lol

  14. maalen said:

    you expect me to maincall on roamer or something