ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European High(t) Dudes

Posted by HightDetal: | Last Online:

Hello we are a new div 6 team that wants to play in logjam cup and s19 of etf2l

Our team is between ages 14-18

Currently we are looking for:

Main pocket

Sub scout
Sub medic
Sub pocket
Sub demoman


At least 50 hours in the class you want to play
Good comms
Be friendly,don't rage

Add me to trial

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View Open/Mid 6 717
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View Div 5/Div 6 1 662
View Div 5/Div 6 0 180
View Div 6 0 155
View Div 6 0 217


  1. akachu said:

    i like how zoidberg left proving hes a total cunt and toxic human being that should be shot in some desert

  2. Zoidberg: BIOCHEMIST said:

    Ur a scrub m8 :)

  3. akachu said:

    and you are a huge self centered asshole that insults everyone and says things he doesnt do.

  4. Zoidberg: BIOCHEMIST said:

    ofc ^^

  5. Zoidberg: BIOCHEMIST said:

    I left because they sucked. idunno what else to tell u.

  6. akachu said:

    you just proved my point
    you just insulted them like you insult everyone

  7. Zoidberg: BIOCHEMIST said:

    U want me to lie or what?

  8. akachu said:

    ive known you talked to you. youre standard is not a div 6 team, why do you bother playing with them if you know there skill level.

  9. tears: S³ | said:

    Can soldier sub