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Scout  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Pom0

Posted: | Last Online:

You may know me as Cam00, changed my name cos why not.

Looking to play d2 next season, I think I have improved sufficently since last season. I wouldn't mind a backup spot as long as I get to play a decent amount.

As scout I tend to use my brain more than my aim, although i'm not strictly a dm scout I can still hit my shots. I'm also not afraid to make plays, if I see an opportunity, I go for it. In terms of platystyle I prefer to play as either pocket scout or hardcore flanking sneaky bastard.

Can play every day, except often not fri/sat (who wants to play fridays anyway).

Add me on steam yo

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37961798 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Wonderland [6v6] Pom0
Joined Wonderland [6v6] Graba
Joined Electric Psychedelic Pussycat Swingers [1v1] Pom0
Left abc [6v6] Pom0
Joined abc [6v6] Pom0
Left Mourning Wood [6v6] Pom0
Joined Mourning Wood [6v6] Silentes
Left Team Satisfactory [6v6] Pom0
Joined Team Satisfactory [6v6] ash
Left Yes Future [Highlander] Pom0
Left Straight Outta Swampton [6v6] Pom0
Joined Fat Doobie [LAN Team] Verse
Joined Straight Outta Swampton [6v6] Askior
Left 4:3 Brigade [6v6] Pom0
Joined Yes Future [Highlander] Hajdzik
Left #Killa-Beez E-sports [Highlander] Pom0
Joined 4:3 Brigade [6v6] Pom0
Left rest in pizza [6v6] Pom0
Joined rest in pizza [6v6] Leif
Left TheFellowship [6v6] Pom0
Joined #Killa-Beez E-sports [Highlander] Pom0
Left Facepunch UK [Highlander] Pom0
Joined TheFellowship [6v6] Pom0
Left Lynch Mob [6v6] Pom0
Joined Lynch Mob [6v6] Pom0
Left Rocket Science [6v6] Pom0
Joined Rocket Science [6v6] Pom0
Left Inspiration? [6v6] Pom0
Joined Rooks! [6v6 Fun Team] whayay
Joined Inspiration? [6v6] blacky_aq
Left Inspiration? [6v6] Pom0
Joined Inspiration? [6v6] Pom0
Joined Facepunch UK [Highlander] Pom0

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High/Prem 2 524
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View Div 4 14 597
View Div 3/Div 4 7 518
View Div 4 7 643
View Div 5/Div 6 4 403
View Div 5 0 228
View Div 5 14 539
View Div 5/Div 6 0 374


  1. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    Likes wrecking dads.

  2. yak said:

    Sick + was really nice @ lan

  3. Serotone: #FreePat said:

    good gamer, carried @ lan. div2.

  4. Mundi: dogs.tf said:


  5. Kuferl: (TF2Pickup.net Unicorn) - FLANK said:

    Cam00 was shit, maybe Pom0 is good? :D
    Nice guy, didn’t play with him for a while but should be doing fine in div2

  6. frothybrew: s*x - (:) said:

    drugman. has done a lot of drugs. expereicned drug gamer. can carry on lots of drugs. In seriousness though, really nice guy, met him irl :D

  7. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    Quality player and a nice guy it seems. Would recommend

  8. alba: duplo said:

    nice guy, should be fine with div 2

  9. Tuto: 8-) said:

    nice scout, improved alot in dm since i played against him last time, div 2.

  10. Lupus: L_? said:

    My nan has never been the same since he rect her ;(

  11. Spudd: (´・ω・`) - bobs said:

    Yeah I think he’s a capable lad. Pretty much hit the nail on the head in terms of being able to play scout in both ways.

    Great guy and a confident player. Would enrich your teams flank a huge deal :D

    Best of luck Cameron. :^)

  12. HoneyBadger: free said:

    I haven’t actively played in a while, but I was very impressed by cam at lan. Definitely capable of div2 I think. Also nice dude and very reliable.

    Good luck my dude.

  13. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    nice guy has good leadership skills. Smart scout

  14. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Thought he was konr at lan. Took me till Saturday to realize he is in fact not konr. :|