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SniperSoldierSpy  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Ireland PimpinDave

Posted: | Last Online:

I am Pimpin' dave, a competitive tf2 player.

I am looking for a highlander team around the division 3. I have a season of spy for 1rw and the other classes for various teams for short amounts of time.
My preference of class would be spy then solly then sniper. I am available most nights for scrims/officials/map talks. Add me if interested.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:89077995 Add Friend

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Left das beer boot inc esports gaming [6v6] hanplz
Joined das beer boot inc esports gaming [6v6] PimpinDave

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  1. bobmus said:

    Stabs backs and shoots things, is annoying to play against. Probably a good thing to have someone doing that on your team.

  2. jakeowaty said:

    Good, consistent Spy, gets important picks whenever the team needs one badly for the advantage, listens to comms carefully to pick his time, also tells vital intel.

    Generally he’s like a very good Spy around div 3-4 with comms that very few Spies have. Take him for a spin.

  3. Baernt said:

    whoooo, thats a good one. Spy that always is credit to team. Pick him up asap

  4. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Good at timing the picks. Would recommend.

  5. AkronSire said:

    Been playing with PimpinDave a while as heavy in Wireplay where we play in the clan Premature Pills ( http://tf2.wireplay.co.uk/9v9/index.php?pg=clans&action=viewclan&cid=1377 ) which is essentially a rag tag of members from various clans gathered by mostly PimpinDave and Pinks. As Scissors mentioned I agree completely with the sentiment he times his picks very well with the advancement of the team which is a good quality in a team player.

  6. vigi said:

    Fantastic team player, one of the best communicating Spies. Has beaten me in Soldier MGE (and uploaded it to YT). Haven’t seen him play Sniper.

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