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With my team folding after UGC and not entering ETF2L, I'm currently looking for a team to play out this season with. I can play all classes at a decent div 5 level in my opinion, though i'd prefer not to have a main calling role. I can play engi at a div 2 level while pyro at a div 3. I can do spy + sniper + solly at a div 4 leaving the rest of the classes at a 5.
Any questions feel free to leave a comment or add me.
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:101436198Team History
Action | Team | By | Date |
Left | Eewww [Highlander] | Solid | |
Left | FOR THE LOLS! [6v6] | Solid | |
Joined | FOR THE LOLS! [6v6] | MS | |
Joined | Eewww [Highlander] | MUG | |
Left | ♥Frank [Highlander] | phantomwolf | |
Joined | ♥Frank [Highlander] | froggie | |
Left | Good Enough [Highlander] | birdy | |
Joined | Good Enough [Highlander] | Larath | |
Left | Good Enough [Highlander] | Larath | |
Joined | Good Enough [Highlander] | birdy | |
Left | That awkward moment [6v6 Fun Team] | Qnai | |
Joined | That awkward moment [6v6 Fun Team] | phantomwolf | |
Left | Raw Deal [Highlander] | phantomwolf | |
Left | Cool Comrades [6v6] | phantomwolf | |
Joined | Cool Comrades [6v6] | phantomwolf | |
Joined | Raw Deal [Highlander] | phantomwolf | |
Left | Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] | phantomwolf | |
Joined | Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] | phantomwolf | |
Left | Crysomemore [Highlander] | phantomwolf | |
Joined | Crysomemore [Highlander] | phantomwolf | |
Left | Already Average [Highlander] | phantomwolf | |
Left | Less than average [6v6] | phantomwolf | |
Joined | Less than average [6v6] | phantomwolf | |
Joined | Already Average [Highlander] | phantomwolf |
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View | Div 5/Div 6 | 4 | 200 |
best hoovy fister EU
Phantom’s really good, good game sense all round.
Good engineer. Haven’t really seen him play other classes, but I’m sure he can handle any class in the div he mentioned :)
Phantom is a self proclaimed a**ehole.
But he’s skilled at pretty much every class, has great map tactic suggestions and plays his backside off. He’s great in mumble and is only the a**ehole he claims in jest.
As a leader of his most recent team, he’s been reliable, I have never had to find a sub and never worry about absence. He gets on with near everyone and is pretty well connected if you need subs, mercs or new team mates.
But yeah most of all, he can topscore as most classes, and that’s while dicking about. In proper games, he’s annoyingly good.
Oh yeah… and he likes fisting things
Yeah div4/5 sounds about right.
So wonderful person. Can easily handle engy and pyro in div2 and other classes div4 (maybe even higher?). Great map knowledge, gamesense and calls + best company to play with. You’re crazy if you wont pick him!
Also best heavy fister #2013
we are osu friends. <3
Virtually hanging out with this guy for such a long time and I am always impressed how well he can do on all the classes. He doesnt just provide a good class for your team, he also provides great knowledge about maps and strats and a lot cheerfulness for your mumble.
Pick him up, he won’t disappoint.
PS: he sucks at csgo.
Any d5 team that picks him up, would probably learn a lot from him. So that’s a huge bonus right there. Not sure how good he is, though
Great engie, plus a really fun guy!
He’s also good at keeping the calm in the team.
Reigning heavy fisting champion.
Didnt mention hes lannable. But nice guy, good engi. I would pick him up as heavy. Thats what he wants to play
+ he let me play osu at lan and didnt fuck with my computer
i never said i wanted to play heavy >.>
b-b-b-but the heavy class icon in the recpost