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Scout  High- Skill, 6v6

Finland perry

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi I am perry! Played in maaaaany teams, such as druidz, k1ck/cruciamentum, clan00 and delirium. I've been to quite a few lans, TCL, i38, i39, UKeSA, Assembly Summer and Winter. So I have some experience at least!

I'm not going to dedicate my whole soul to playing TF2, but I can play approximately 3-5 nights a week. BUT, if I have something else to do, then I will do it, so don't expect me to be a machine and be there for practice every night.

I am intimate with dunc.

That is all.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:842868 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined The MIPC Taalasmaa Edition [6v6] perry
Left Hey that's! [Highlander] perry
Left Tumpel [1v1] perry
Left Knights [6v6] perry
Joined Knights [6v6] perry
Left Knights [6v6] perry
Joined Knights [6v6] ShoX
Left DementeD [6v6] CloveR
Joined DementeD [6v6] CloveR
Joined we love nvc [2v2] perry
Left bE [6v6] perry
Left blight [6v6 Fun Team] M0re
Joined bE [6v6] perry
Left Arm3D [6v6] perry
Joined blight [6v6 Fun Team] M0re
Joined Arm3D [6v6] bpf
Left Raparperipiirakka [2v2] perry
Left coolmix [LAN Team] perry
Left ripulipimpsat [6v6 Fun Team] perry
Left it's a farm! [6v6] perry
Joined coolmix [LAN Team] vaxjo
Left clan00 [LAN Team] perry
Joined clan00 [LAN Team] perry
Joined it's a farm! [6v6] perry
Left coolclan [6v6] perry
Joined ripulipimpsat [6v6 Fun Team] M0re
Joined coolclan [6v6] vaxjo
Left Delirium [6v6] perry
Left ripulipimpsat [6v6 Fun Team] M0re
Joined Hey that's! [Highlander] perry
Left Hey that's! [Highlander] perry
Joined Hey that's! [Highlander] perry
Left Hey that's! [Highlander] perry
Joined Raparperipiirakka [2v2] perry
Left Delirium [2v2] perry
Joined ripulipimpsat [6v6 Fun Team] perry
Left coolclan [6v6 Fun Team] perry
Joined coolclan [6v6 Fun Team] perry
Left delirium [6v6 Fun Team] kives
Joined delirium [6v6 Fun Team] kives
Joined Delirium [2v2] perry
Left Dashing along them streets [2v2] perry
Joined Delirium [6v6] kives
Left Team Druidz [6v6] perry
Joined Tumpel [1v1] perry
Joined Hey that's! [Highlander] perry
Left Second to Last HL [Highlander] perry
Joined Second to Last HL [Highlander] perry
Joined Team Druidz [6v6] skinnie
Left K1ck eSports [old] [6v6] kives
Joined K1ck eSports [old] [6v6] perry
Left eL Diablo's Brigade [6v6] perry
Joined eL Diablo's Brigade [6v6] perry
Left K1ck eSports [old] [6v6] perry
Joined K1ck eSports [old] [6v6] perry
Left Nervous.tf2 [6v6] perry
Joined Dashing along them streets [2v2] perry
Joined Nervous.tf2 [6v6] sc.lofty

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  1. dunc: infs - dp. said:

    best torso in europe.

    that will be all.

  2. Loco: Mayo said:

    legend in his own underpants
    gluck :D

  3. reCon said:

    gl… awesome player ;)

  4. paavi: # said:

    Veri gud pleir pik!

  5. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    don’t let him go soldier on gpit

  6. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    maybe.. http://etf2l.org/recruitment/57555/
    good luck, great scout :)

  7. BERSERKER: broder - PRO said:

    Asking just so you can clarify for anyone who might be interested in recruiting you, but this statement:

    “BUT, if I have something else to do, then I will do it, so don’t expect me to be a machine and be there for practice every night.”

    I assume that doesn’t mean you suddenly won’t show up at nights, or inform your team 1-2 hours before regular practice that you won’t be playing, as absense should have at least 1 day’s notice.

    Good luck!

  8. perry: [MIPC] said:

    Won’t be no sudden disappearances

  9. sickless: fnx.simrai said:

    oh.. gl ;D

  10. perry: [MIPC] said:

    I’m going away until sunday, once I’m back I can start trialing and shit

  11. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    Why don’t you just join k1ck and save the drama llamas a trip :>

  12. fJack: k^m said:

    sick player.

  13. Tapley: TEZC - TEZC said:

    I love PerPer, but he’s Finnish and will certainly fold your clan.