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ScoutSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Switzerland Peign slays dragons

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello Community :)

First things first: I am on the lookout for a new team.

If you need a Soldier: Somewhere around Div3 as Pocket.

If you need a Scout: Somewhere around high Div4/3.

About me:

– 20 years old
– Terrible English, I've paid my cat to write this.
– Bad jokes =(
– At the promised level.
– Experienced
– Disciplined & reliable
– Have maincalled for basically all my teams and played nearly all classes. I know what to call to help other classes and how to react to which calls. I also listen. =)

About you:

– Around the level I'm searching for
– Maybe you already have some experience and proved you won't drop immediately?
– Most important: You are mature! I don't give a damn about the sound of your voice, but I can't stand meanies, trolls and people that can't enter serious mode when they have to!

Thanks for reading if you've made it down here! ;)

Add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/peign/

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33701387 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Switzerland [National 6v6 Team] HartzFartz
Left Switzerland [National Highlander Team] HartzFartz
Joined Swiss Bank Account Boys [Highlander] snappe
Left Aversatrix [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Aversatrix [6v6] Arjax
Left Moss Pigs [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Switzerland [National Highlander Team] 1pt
Joined Moss Pigs [6v6] AND
Left Sailors ♡ [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Sailors ♡ [6v6] scatmo
Left is house esports [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined is house esports [6v6] yak
Left nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] Link!
Left BigBluntGaming [6v6 Fun Team] Peign slays dragons
Joined BigBluntGaming [6v6 Fun Team] rag!
Left div4ever aka the butter brigade [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined div4ever aka the butter brigade [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left Moss Pigs [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Moss Pigs [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left Fenneks Highlander by SimRai.com [Highlander] Peign slays dragons
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left Fenneks eSports [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Fenneks Highlander by SimRai.com [Highlander] Peign slays dragons
Left n2o goes Highlander [Highlander] Peign slays dragons
Joined Fenneks eSports [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left plan-B [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined plan-B [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left Farah-esports.org [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Farah-esports.org [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left HerbsArmy [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined n2o goes Highlander [Highlander] mosepose
Joined Switzerland [National 6v6 Team] nyck0
Joined HerbsArmy [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left DW-Polarfuchs [6v6] CeeZed
Joined DW-Polarfuchs [6v6] tasy
Left DW-Silberfuchs [6v6] DW|Hero
Joined DW-Silberfuchs [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left Team.DENIED [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined Team.DENIED [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Left .live [6v6] Peign slays dragons
Joined .live [6v6] Shadow Monkey!

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 22 1048
View Div 2/Div 3 15 725
View Div 3 18 955
View Div 3/Div 4 13 1106
View Div 4 8 476


  1. belly. said:

    Supreme Deathmatch! div3/4 material here

  2. clip: ist doof said:


  3. omrish said:

    I don’t really know about his soldier skills, but I know he is a lovely person, and a good maincaller.
    Good luck with your search!

  4. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    Great person with amazing calls. His DM is also really strong and he has a lonely cat! :D Good luck mate! <3

  5. Fallen: TC said:


  6. LFBeans: :pray: said:

    He play “NLPG” this stands for “new low practice group” this means that he is new a probably bad, pick him up if you want div 6 maybe div 5 if your lucky!

    Honestly div 3/4 get him now!

  7. profix: FLANK said:

    nice guy and really keen

  8. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    He has the best swiss jokes. He is the best. Pick him up. Good luck, mate

  9. basshead: mid said:

    Cool guy who’ll do sick in a team that can handle him, gl

  10. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Cool guy who’ll do sick in a team smart enough to listen to him.

  11. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    Pretty good player and maincaller too.

  12. .Peign - :3: snapeandjaptorc said:

    Thank you all guys for your Kind words!! <3

  13. Noamigo said:

    gl mate!
    good guy
    good player
    add him.

  14. ARI: HKN! said:

    Good solly, Understands the game has a good brain

  15. .Peign - :3: snapeandjaptorc said:
