ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSniper  Open Skill, Highlander

European Pea Trashers

Posted by CanRuf: | Last Online:

We are a completely new team with no HL experience. We are looking for similarly inexperienced players. Expect bad DM and generally bad game sense from some of us.
We are signed up for HL Season 13

Looking for a Sniper sub.

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  1. moths: PeD said:

    If anyone’s looking to adopt a team of noobs this is a good start. I’ve already taught them how to walk forward so you’ve got a base to work off :D

  2. 420kamil: X3ME said:

    Hi I main Soldier and Sniper can i join this team i wan to try higher leage cuz pubs are boring for me

  3. SniperSteffe1337 said:

    Im from belarus, ready for play as scout, spy, sniper.
    2.100 hours at all

  4. ❄Seelpit❄ said:

    I would love to be part. Personally, I preference Heavy (not specifically main).
    Also glad to see some lesser skilled teams for players like me to join c:

  5. messy: HIV+ - L9 said:

    Yo Yo Yo, I can play Soldier just like every other player in the game, but I might be able to do it above average, possibly. Add me please??? http://steamcommunity.com/id/mattisapleb/

  6. Matt said:

    I’ll take the engi sub spot if its still available :)

  7. Noobification: Jim said:

    If it’s still avaliable I can play soldier and medic

  8. Killer Queen said:

    I main medic and would love sub for medic :)

  9. FELDENPATO5 said:

    HI! im feldenpato
    i main soldier,heavy and engi and i´m new in hl
    my steam name is feldenpato

  10. FELDENPATO5 said:

    HI! im feldenpato
    i wold like to sub as heavy or soldier
    PM me on steam to talk!

  11. FELDENPATO5 said:

    i wold like to sub as heavy or soldier
    my steam username is feldenpato