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Pyro  Div 1 Skill, Highlander

England Pat?

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm looking for a Highlander team around Div1 – Prem. I have experience playing the class in mercs in Div1 and have decided to look for a team to play in full time. I am from England despite what my profile says and am available all weeknight from six o'clock.

Please ignore my history as it speaks nothing about me as a player as i haven played in etf2l in a long time.

I have a fully functioning mic +ptt etc.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:62215192 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined mo' ping mo' bling [6v6] grafurn'
Joined Yes Future [Highlander] Hajdzik
Left Septic Gaming [6v6] Pat?
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] Flood
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] Pat?
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] .
Joined Septic Gaming [6v6] Pat?
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] .

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2/Div 3 0 376


  1. Flood said:

    got rejected from IAATG. shit.

  2. Pat?: yope - Yes said:

    A long time in the past.

  3. Python said:

    Day is that you?

  4. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:


  5. sinr said:

    I miss Day!

  6. Flood said:

    That’s not day

  7. Pat?: yope - Yes said:

    No day here.

  8. Hot said:

    it was a beautiful day

  9. Pat?: yope - Yes said:

    Wasn’t it just.

  10. BoneSponge said:

    is this b33p’s english cousin

  11. Pat?: yope - Yes said:


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