ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerPyro  Div 5 Skill, Highlander

International OverCharge

Posted by AkronSire: | Last Online:

Hello, we're clan OverCharge. We won in subdivision 6E last season and are looking to win in division 5 next season. We're currently looking for one final player for the team which would be either an Engineer or Pyro.

We usually play two times per week (tuesday/thursday around 20:00 GMT+1) as most of us are part of other 6vs6 clans and/or other highlander teams in UGC League. We have a server situated in Sweden which we share with another clan, a shared Mumble server for (english) communications and an online forum where we mostly post for example SourceTV recordings of previous games and calender posts for upcoming games. If this sounds interesting contact me/AkronSire http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966083839 or ntropia http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058878984 for more information and for tryouts.

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  1. OverRin.dll said:

    I can be pyro. A lot time play hl. More then 2200 h. in tf2.

  2. CeluX: Dr+// said:

    I’d like to try out pyro on your team, but my favorite playstyle is “Pybro” so i would like to stay with the engi most of the time. I could do normal Pyro too. Still practicing my reflect skills ingame.
    (I love playing Dodgeball so my timing isnt bad) I have a bit more than 2500 hours tf2.