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Spy  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, Highlander

Russia Orson Hodzh

Posted: | Last Online:

I know English not too well. I know how it is correct to transfer information. I will learn your names of places on maps. I don't know what to write here.

Second in div 3 last season, would prefer to play with Ruskis of course.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:52573033 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined UAPlayer [Highlander] Ihor
Left Latent Energy [Highlander] Arty
Joined Latent Energy [Highlander] Arty
Left Belarus [National Highlander Team] Alex_jj
Joined Belarus [National Highlander Team] Alex_jj
Left From Russia With Love [Highlander] Orson Hodzh
Joined From Russia With Love [Highlander] vice
Left that`s my rager [Highlander] Orson Hodzh
Joined that`s my rager [Highlander] Klefsas
Left seriousname [Highlander] Orson Hodzh
Joined seriousname [Highlander] boxxy
Left Pushkin [Highlander] Mother Tereza
Joined Pushkin [Highlander] Orson Hodzh
Left Tomato Juice [Highlander] gears
Joined Tomato Juice [Highlander] Stubbz
Left tan team [6v6] Garry
Joined tan team [6v6] Orson Hodzh

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View Div 2/Div 3 12 403
View Div 2/Div 3 2 182


  1. Carlos Kaiser said:

    Too strong for div 3, good luck!

  2. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Good spy

  3. I-No said:

    Pro spy

  4. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Taking over ETF2L rec posts.

  5. Klefsas: DTown - WASP said:


  6. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    getting ban always by this guy … still i think he is good player :(

  7. Alex_jj said:

    this guy have good potential to play in 1\2 div easily :3

  8. Jack said:

    very good and capable guy. Knows what is required and perform their tasks well. Easily be able to play on the 1st-2nd Division. Take it, you will not regret

  9. Hot said:

    fake E²

  10. Arty said:

    very good spy