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Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Israel Omrimg2

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey everybody!

I'm looking to play in a 6s team as a Roamer. I have over 2,200 hours of TF2, and over 600 as a Soldier.
I'm looking for a team that can play together atleast once a week on a scrim or something like that, wanna participate in the next season.
I know English very well.
I know my job as a Roamer. I know how to play the class. Can make the calls.

Now it's summer break, so I can play a lot. I don't know yet my schedule for the approaching year, but I'm sure I will have the time to play.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:83398596 Add Friend

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Left Crash [6v6] Emancipator
Joined Crash [6v6] Emancipator
Joined Omrimg2 [1v1] Omrimg2
Joined Confused Mexicans [Highlander] Uran
Left The Governors [6v6] Omrimg2
Joined The Governors [6v6] AmirBonk

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