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Soldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

England omnibombulator

Posted: | Last Online:

My name is omnibombulator. I'm looking to get on a Div 5 team as a Roaming Soldier.

I'm passionate about TF2 as a whole and I would class myself as a clever player. I don't tend to go for picks or kills that I know I won't get, however, that's not to say I don't take the occasional risk. I've play a lot of mixes and scrims as roamer (as well as other classes) and have had a good reception from the teams I have played for. I also class myself as a decent jumper who can get around maps reliably with a tricky strafe and a fast speed.

I have a mic and can use Mumble/Teamspeak, although I prefer Mumble. I have a fairly hard time understanding accents if people are quiet, however.

I'd like to be a main roamer, but I have no problems with being a backup, as I'm pretty much available every evening after 6pm.

If you're interested or you want to get into a deeper discussion, you can add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omnibombulator/

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:65593169 Add Friend

Team History

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Left ajfkvshaj [Highlander] auto
Joined ajfkvshaj [Highlander] auto
Left not dead doggo [6v6] MrSmithers
Joined not dead doggo [6v6] lor_is
Left RS6 Reborn [6v6] omnibombulator
Joined RS6 Reborn [6v6] Abyss
Left not dead doggo [6v6] lor_is
Left Fucko [LAN Team] omnibombulator
Left omni "stop being a faggot" bombulator [1v1] omnibombulator
Joined not dead doggo [6v6] lor_is
Left Shanter... [6v6] dBubble
Joined Shanter... [6v6] dBubble
Left Ducks on a Plane [6v6 Fun Team] omnibombulator
Left FeelsBadMan [6v6] omnibombulator
Joined Fucko [LAN Team] omnibombulator
Joined FeelsBadMan [6v6] Yanyul
Left Half Tilt [6v6] omnibombulator
Joined Half Tilt [6v6] haris
Joined Ducks on a Plane [6v6 Fun Team] squirrel_BVC
Left Anime Is Bad eSports [6v6] a. larry
Joined Anime Is Bad eSports [6v6] a. larry
Left MAYOGURL [6v6] a. larry
Joined MAYOGURL [6v6] a. larry
Left Professional Disney Fangirls [6v6] omnibombulator
Left UKIP [Highlander] Condawg
Joined Professional Disney Fangirls [6v6] CeeJaey
Left FG eSports [6v6] omnibombulator
Joined UKIP [Highlander] yak
Left Le 9fraac army eksdee [6v6 Fun Team] omnibombulator
Joined FG eSports [6v6] Gubbins
Left Pretty Intense by TEZC [6v6] omnibombulator
Left SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] omnibombulator
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] bluR-
Left Tea-Mates [Highlander] omnibombulator
Joined Tea-Mates [Highlander] crazycalumrock
Left Team Manrotica [2v2] omnibombulator
Joined Pretty Intense by TEZC [6v6] tavi
Left Can we pause? [6v6] omnibombulator
Joined omni "stop being a faggot" bombulator [1v1] omnibombulator
Joined Can we pause? [6v6] 1pt
Joined Team Manrotica [2v2] Haydn
Left nervousENERGY Density [6v6] omnibombulator
Joined nervousENERGY Density [6v6] GingerTheRaptor
Joined Le 9fraac army eksdee [6v6 Fun Team] omnibombulator
Left Audio, Video, Disco! [6v6] Zeals
Joined Audio, Video, Disco! [6v6] omnibombulator

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2/Div 3 17 863
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View Div 4/Div 5 2 320
View Div 6 8 391


  1. TheJayBelmont said:

    He’s a babe and has a good stream. Div 5 worthy, pick him up!

  2. Marmite: 9 ☆ said:


  3. MagicalKillaCow: m'way - four hundred an said:

    Sound guy, could do div 5 easy.

  4. Bugo said:

    omni=Smileyface>Mge mike

  5. jx53 said:

    howe much ur hat?