ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicScoutSniperSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Sweden Sambearg

Posted: | Last Online:

Heya, i have been playing tf2 for 2 years or smth now and I kinda get the hang of it..
I'm trying now to get started in competetive divisions to get more out of the game, I have some experience already so should manage div6 without problem.. however div5 would be more a task but with right players next to me, everything will work..

Cheers ;)

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Team History

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Left Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Sambearg
Joined 2 Chinks a couple of whites and black YK [Highlander] Sambearg
Joined Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Sambearg
Left United space bunnies [6v6] Sambearg
Joined United space bunnies [6v6] Sambearg

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  1. Killvion NL: .lp - [rub!X] said:

    Nice guy, good player. Always friendly and in for a laugh.

    If my team wasn’t full already, I would have taken him. GoGoGo!

  2. USB mupp: 420 said:

    Nice guy, known him for like 1,5 years now and he is a really awesome player.