ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanHeavyScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Nothing

Posted by FlashAj325: | Last Online:

We need subs! Your only requirement is to be online a lot. We are also in the beginning of a competition so join soon. (Also we might get kicked out of the tournament so be prepared to migrate to UGC maybe.)

We mostly need subs for spy, sniper, demo, heavy, and to a lesser extent, soldier and scout.

How to Apply:
-Go to Team Admin on etf2l.org
-Click on 'My Teams'
-Find 'Join Team' and type in the name for the clan, which is Nothing, and find the ID 20890

Team Profile

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  1. burn said:

    im rather interested im good at scout and sniper though i have a few questions. i shall apply though. thank you and GL :D

  2. temp0: ? said:

    I’ll sub any of those if you still need them. I have ugc gold experience and 4000 hours in game. I get 400 fps so hitscan isn’t a problem. Add me up.

  3. Aidgum: <NTG> said:

    I’d like to try for Scout, Soldier. Heavy, and Demo as those are ones that I’m good at. So please add me.

  4. Xwing: TF2G said:

    I Am very interested in joining as i main scout and sniper Run the game at a very high fps could try for other classes but we’ll work the details if you add :D