ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Norway Red Brigade

Posted by Martar: | Last Online:

Hey peps. We are a new formed clan looking for a couple of players to complete our lineup, a medic who can maincall/or a demoman and a pocket soldier. Looking for someone who wants to commit to a team over time and become better as players. Were aiming to be quite serious even though that wont stop us from having laughs and fun as well.

We are:
*A new, but serious team.
*English speaking
*No rage
*Team spirit
*General awesomeness.

You are:
*Fluent in english
*Have a mature mind
*No rage
*Not a clan jumper
*Have some experience and want to improve

For more info, contact Martar via steam

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  1. Temioman said:

    Hi i meet all your requirments and would like to join this team my steam name is •TemioMan•™ {₫iablo 3}

  2. Sorathefox said:

    Hi I Would Like to Join Ive Never Played Competitive But Would Like To Start And i Have The Requirments For This Team I Would Like To Have a Part As The Demoman and I
    My Steam Id Is KillerSK Thank You.

  3. Bowman: [DA] said:

    Hi i would like to join as Demoman, i have a bit div 6 experience and i want to improve c:

    Add me: Bowman \(^o^)/

  4. narikk a.k.a. insidious666 said:

    I would like to join your team and I meet all the req’s.
    Please, if its ok – contact me @ steam – insidious666

    Medic or soldier

  5. Alloy: VΛ // said:

    I would like to trial for the medic position. I meet the requirements and I have added you on steam ^_^

  6. cortA said:

    im looking for a clan

  7. monkeyman64228 said:

    i want to join as soldier. just a note im not that old but i speak good english

  8. monkeyman64228 said:

    i want to join as soldier.

  9. PSY said:

    i want to join as soldier :) add me on steam hotabicius