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EngineerHeavyMedic  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

England Nomvitch

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello! I, Nomvitch, am starting competitive play, after finding that I kick too much ass in your average server!


1:I will murder all aimbots
2:Goddanm aimbots
3:I have over 750 hours of gameplay
4:I know all the very best sentry spots
5:I have a "C-media USB headset" for my mic + sound

Anyway, I am a gamer who is available most days, most times, and I am flexible when it comes to maps. I don't mind taking constructive criticism.

Voice server
Not just starting up
Must take member requests into consideration
Having a server/website would be nice, but not necessary

Well then, I hope get some steam friend requests soon! (Nomvitch)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54333719 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Supa Hats In Green [6v6] AdamXx
Left ExplosiveBonk [Highlander] Nomvitch
Joined ExplosiveBonk [Highlander] Nomvitch

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View Div 5/Div 6 1 172
View Div 5/Div 6 1 210


  1. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Hello thar public ass kicker. I would like to point out if you’re looking to play the 6v6 version of competitive TF2, then the classes used in the most part are scout, soldier, demo and medic.

    If you’re looking for a team to play for/with, I would suggest getting a good idea of what each of those classes should be doing during a game, and then go and get good at it. You will get face stomped a lot in the early days, so keep your chin up.

    Have a look at this thread here: http://etf2l.org/forum/tactics/topic-12510/?recent=358642 for some help and ideas.

    Good luck.

  2. Nomvitch: S.H.I.G said:


  3. Nomvitch: S.H.I.G said:


  4. SmAsH: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Played with him as med while we all off classed from my team and a few extras. Tbf to him he showed some good potential. Needs a team that is willing to guide and have patience with him but i think he will become a strong player. Very mature, and a good guy aswell.

  5. Wiper: idd. said:

    Good luck :)

  6. Nomvitch: S.H.I.G said:


  7. DunderBro said:

    might be interested, added you to discuss

  8. Nomvitch: S.H.I.G said:


  9. Nomvitch: S.H.I.G said:


  10. Nomvitch: S.H.I.G said:

    Yet again, BUMP!