ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European Nexify TeamFortress

Posted by bonk: | Last Online:

Hey! We're looking for a few new players on our team.
A new player must be able to play most days of week.
They must also have some proof of playstyle with demos of either:
TF2Center matches
ETF2L competitive matches
Matchmaking competitive matches

Apply by starting a thread on our Steam group:

Team Profile

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  1. Gacachasi: Bozo said:

    I will love to join as a demmo or medic, I have played more than 200 games in TF2Center and I can play almost all days of the week, add me If you consider me a good player. Thanks folr your tiime.

  2. regen said:

    Seems like you want players for a Highlander team. If that is the case, then consider switching your team format from 6v6 to Highlander so that your team is eligible for the next season. Best of luck!

  3. Drimilyon said:

    hello i am scout main would like to join this team… new to comp playing!

  4. Crazy: TOAST said:

    i am scout main i would love to join ya, i have a mic (not the best one but good) and my english is desent. i have about 550 hours in tf2.

  5. syph said:

    Hello, i can play scout(130 hrs) or soldier(270 hrs). I have 250 lobbies on tf2center. I’m pretty sure i can find some demos of lobbies i’ve played on serveme.tf. Add me if you are interested http://steamcommunity.com/id/cocksucking/

  6. The Waffler said:

    Um, I can play any class I’m told to but I have almost zero comp experience. If you are completely desperate, I’m available

  7. Astie said:

    hey, im exeter, and i wanna (and can) play soldier. ROAMER! i have 1600 hrs, 300 as soly, 210 as sniper (can offclass to sniper or even spy) and i have played 270+ lobbies, and have every communication application downloaded