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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European CSI: Mould

Posted by MEGAMIDDIE: | Last Online:

New, just poking around to see who's about at the moment, aiming for tip top div2 gaming or maybe 1 if people are real good and stuff
Verse playing demo, me playing pocket (possibly roamer)

For meds: Maincalling not required, verse is too large, just base med calls (ubers etc) so expecting good mechanics to take place of it.

Usual stuff applies as always, don't be a dickhead, don't be awful, do be a person that listens and do speak understandable english.

People that are proven decent are preferred, but people that are real good but feel they haven't had the right chances to go large !div feel free to say hi. talk to either me (https://etf2l.org/forum/user/19491/) or Verse (https://etf2l.org/forum/user/68512/) to say hi.

Also, if you're wanting to play demo, you HAVE to speak to verse, not me


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  1. h3x: bedgetf2 said:


  2. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    I don’t mind playing medic if there’s an interesting demoman around.
    No need for a maincaller either.

  3. misha YB`g said:

    im free

  4. Serotone: #FreePat said:


  5. Kuferl: (TF2Pickup.net Unicorn) - FLANK said:

    i can provide bubble wrap for mould \o/

  6. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    i provide my own bubblewrap

  7. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    Still looking for scouts, add up xo

  8. basshead: mid said:

    Go go mould

  9. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    even though nothings happening atm, do feel free to add up anyway, occasionally I’m on my phone on steam, can still chat

    sorry to anyone who I missed adding me

  10. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    we’re back!

    trials starting soonish lets go lads