ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European nervousENERGY Razzmatazz

Posted by FrankTheTank: | Last Online:

New team looking for a soldier (pocket) and a medic.

Candidates for both classes should:

– Be motivated
– Able to play Sun – Thurs from 8 CET
– Good Comm's
– Good map awareness
– Brain
– Be able to play a div 5 level
– No rage

If you feel like this interests you then message me on steam

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  1. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    Tried to add, but my request was denied. Frank’s a great guy. Add me back if you’re still interested in a strong pocket: otherwise, GL searching! definitely worth your time to trial with these guys.

  2. Lythiium said:

    I’d like to apply for the medic spot. If you need me to main call, I can do it, though it’s been a while since I have, so could be rusty – but hey, mistakes are the best way to learn. I’ve sent you an Friend request, so we can chat on steam if you like.

  3. Driverzx: [T-A!]LoS said:

    Name: DZX

    Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Driverzx

    Class: Soldier

    Timezone: UTC+1

    Extra information: Played 50 lobbies (mostly 6’s), I play pick up games almost daily, and have played a few UGC Highlander matches before my team fell apart. I can speak English and know how to use Mumble, IRC, etc.

    Add me if you’re interested.

  4. Kharnac: re# said:

    friendly bump! Frank’s a hero, join this team!

  5. trepa4a said:

    Hello, my nickname is trepacha16 and i am looking for a div5/6 team. i play pocket soldier. in my free time i am playing mge/lobbies/mixes and trying to improve my skills and gamesense.

  6. FluffY ZeuZ said:


  7. Mr. Blue Sky said:

    name: Mr. Blue Sky

    Class: MEDIC