ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Denmark St3n

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm looking for a 6v6 team for the upcoming season, i feel pretty confident that i can play div4 but i'm open for all offers.

What you can expect from me:

– available most days 19:00cest to 23:00cest
– fairly decent aim and brains for div4/5
– keen to improve
– open to constructive criticism
– not a rager

What i expect from you:

– a keen team who plays 4-5 times a week
– has players that are able to give and take critism
– take it seriously but not too seriously, and do whatever it takes to improve, demo reviews etc.
– no rage
– english or danish speaking

add me on steam for more information!


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:86804057 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] Andreas
Left Central European Gaming [6v6] St3n
Left Salty Lemon Fun [6v6 Fun Team] Pinkii
Joined Salty Lemon Fun [6v6 Fun Team] Pinkii
Joined Central European Gaming [6v6] Crumbles
Left Skrald eSports [6v6] St3n
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] Andreas
Left Pls Respond [6v6] St3n
Joined Pls Respond [6v6] Chrizzer
Left Pls Respond [6v6] St3n
Joined Pls Respond [6v6] Chrizzer
Left TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] St3n
Left JimiJam [Highlander] neophyte78
Left Really? [2v2] Led
Joined JimiJam [Highlander] St3n
Left JimiJam [Highlander] neophyte78
Joined Really? [2v2] St3n
Joined JimiJam [Highlander] St3n
Joined TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] St3n
Left Top Jeremy [6v6] Shape
Joined Top Jeremy [6v6] St3n
Left Doctrinal [6v6] St3n
Joined Doctrinal [6v6] St3n
Left eXodus Gaming [6v6] St3n
Joined eXodus Gaming [6v6] St3n
Left eXodus [6v6] St3n
Joined eXodus [6v6] St3n
Left DeCauX Gaming [6v6] St3n
Joined DeCauX Gaming [6v6] St3n
Left Vertical Intrusion [6v6] Kim
Joined Vertical Intrusion [6v6] Kim
Left wantz kiwi [6v6] St3n
Joined wantz kiwi [6v6] St3n
Left XtraViaTioN [6v6] St3n
Joined XtraViaTioN [6v6] Mr Biggles

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View Div 5/Div 6 0 80


  1. KraKen said:

    Loool fik du potato til at skrive recruitmenten til dig :3 fordi den “rigtige” spider ville sige “I R DIV 4 DEMO PLS TEM I WUNT” <3 plus skift dit navn din shitlord

    Really nice guy, good game sense and insane pipes could possibly even go div 3 wuv wuv

  2. NeKarK: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. said:

    nope fuck you kraken

  3. PotatoNinja: WEED said:

    can almost sticky jump properly :]

  4. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:


  5. NeKarK: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. said:


  6. NeKarK: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. said:


  7. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    Really good demo, at some points, his aim is good, he just lack in gamesense and the calls, div 4+ atleast :)

  8. Canos said:

    Hey, har læst din info, og vi har et hold der mangler en demo og en roamer. Vi er et hold kun fyldt med danskere, og ville gerne høre om du kunne tænke dig at joine. Vi er ikke helt begyndt på etf2l endnu, men har spillet mange lobbies o.l. Vi har både tf2 server og mumble server parat til kampe.
    Jeg har addet dig, så vi kan snakke lidt om det hvis du altså er interesseret.

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