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DemomanMedicScout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European NeedsToBeDecided

Posted by jx53: | Last Online:

I will be starting a team of my own. I will need the following classes:
2x scout, demoman and medic.
I myself will be playing roamer.

We will be playing hopefully 3+ times a week. Days when we will be potentially playing: Monday-thursday + sunday.
Times will be STARTING from 18-19cet.
I will buy us a server and a mumble if I feel like our team is worth those.
Add me if this is fine with you. Once I've got 5 people and me we will do a few scrims and see how everything goes.

Name is not decided yet.
Also I am very strict with the times, if we schedule a scrim and you won't show up then fuck you find another team.

PLEASE, Don't bother unless you know you're a solid div5+ player.

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  1. Phnx: kZk said:

    seriously wtf is wrong with new “teams” here?
    Asking for solid div 5+ while playing 2 bad officials in div 6. makes more sense to be flexible with skill and actually do well in div 6…

  2. jx53 said:

    Whats wrong with making a team? There are ton of people looking for team on div4/5, why can’t I reduced the amount by 5? Who the fuck are you to tell me what div I/people in my team can play on?

  3. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    phoenix please stop trashtalking other people while you never beat div 6
    theres NO difference at all between div 6 and 5
    gl jV

  4. ScrollLock. said:

    +1 gl jV phoenix is just stupied dont take anything he is saying

  5. Phnx: kZk said:

    First of all my team won div 6…
    second of all ScrollLock don’t type in english cause you can’t, and you are horrible…
    what I was saying is that:”PLEASE, Don’t bother unless you know you’re a solid div5+ player”
    is a retarded request since he doesn’t have div 5 exp, barerly any good div 6 exp.
    so a leader that is mid div 6 for a div “4/5” team doesn’t sound legit, sorry that you don’t like opinions Zangetsu but I don’t care, and ScrollLock you should get ones of your own.

  6. Phnx: kZk said:

    Sorry that you don’t like my* opinions

  7. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    16:13 – Phoenix: hey
    16:13 – Phoenix: what div is your team?
    16:13 – marez: 5
    16:13 – Phoenix: can you play sunday 18:0 0cet?
    16:13 – Phoenix: 18:00*?
    16:13 – marez: maybe
    16:14 – Phoenix: but no zangetsu plz:D

    that’s another reason why you shouldnt give a fck about phoenix

  8. jx53 said:

    “is a retarded request since he doesn’t have div 5 exp, barerly any good div 6 exp.” and “so a leader that is mid div 6 for a div “4/5″”

    Is this a joke? Where the fuck do you pull this shit? Have you ever seen me play? This has to be a troll, you can’t be serious…

  9. Dr.Manhattan: D925 said:

    i know many players and they jumped from 0 division to div4 … so its bad logic about exp.

  10. General CaspeR: YH said:

    Phoenix is being an asshole again
    Gl in finding ur playas

  11. ScrollLock. said:

    General CaspeR: [T-A!] said:
    November 19th, 2013 at 15:51

    Phoenix is being an asshole again
    Gl in finding ur playas
