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ScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania NaturalProduct

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello everyone.

* My nick in game NAturalProduct

* So mostly im playing with Scout and Solly. But more prefer scout.

* I have numbers of hours played tf2, Lobbies, Mge, Mix's. But I wasn't in any team, but for a while I really want to.

*I think I could play every evening, but it should be prior arrangement.

* I'm looking a team with which one I can have a great time, and good results.

Also my nationality LT, but Living in UK.

Contact me via steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/NAturalProduct/

Thanks :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:84219658 Add Friend

Team History

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Left The Evolution [6v6] tXX
Joined The Evolution [6v6] NaturalProduct
Left Covenant [6v6] NaturalProduct
Joined Covenant [6v6] NaturalProduct

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  1. DL said:

    Nice player, gonna improve, just needs a good team to introduce him to good teamplay

  2. Criticall said:

    Great guy, plays a lot, his dm is good.

    has a commentator voice

  3. NaturalProduct said:

    ;D thanks guys ;)

    my action as a scout from 1 pickup http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P8wlZjaRLY

  4. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    I love your movie MARINES!

  5. NaturalProduct said:

    Thank you, Admirable :)

  6. Mixa said:

    Hello there mister, I’m pretty sure you can join us if you’re willing to, I added you so we can talk

  7. Mixa said:

    Or sry, nevermind, I’m quessing you’re more up to 6v6 than highlander. This recr forum is just confusing

  8. NaturalProduct said:

    any suggests?:)