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MedicScoutSoldier  Prem/Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Finland naMu

Posted: | Last Online:

Free again. I would prefer to play in div1+ team since there is now so many of them. Seems that I am bit unlucky finding a team this season, but if you need a drunkard yelling stupid things in to mumble, hit me up.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:25965 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined KUKKO [Highlander] naMu
Left Refuse [2v2] naMu
Joined illegal [6v6] naMu
Left FoWlded [6v6] naMu
Left smooth criminals [6v6] naMu
Joined Refuse [2v2] naMu
Left Finnjävlar [2v2] naMu
Joined FoWlded [6v6] naMu
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Poop
Left FAP! [6v6] naMu
Joined FAP! [6v6] naMu
Left Power Gaming EU [6v6] naMu
Joined Power Gaming EU [6v6] CommanderX
Left The MIPC Organization [6v6] naMu
Left www.theMIPC.org [Highlander] naMu
Joined www.theMIPC.org [Highlander] Sgarna
Joined Finnjävlar [2v2] naMu
Joined The MIPC Organization [6v6] naMu
Left Routarded [6v6] naMu
Joined Routarded [6v6] Tosi
Left Kokemus Tuo Varmuutta [6v6] naMu
Joined Kokemus Tuo Varmuutta [6v6] naMu

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 7 930
View Prem 32 1738
View Div 1/Div 2 15 1094
View Mid+ 5 561


  1. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    raminds me of a whale naaaaamuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


  2. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:


  3. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:


  4. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    best hugs eu

  5. naMu: LAITON - KUKKO! said:

    maybe maybe :D

  6. Childish Gubbino said:

    Best nipple torture EU

  7. naMu: LAITON - KUKKO! said:

    definitely :D

    btw i can also play scout for div3+ :) this is the first time i actually have to almost beg for team, last 2 times i have done this i found a team within hours :/

  8. Vali: -9w- said:

    Why the hell is namu still clanless? Really come a long way as solly in the past year, great roamer with sick DM. If he’s willing to play as low as div2 you’d have to hate finns to not pick him up…oh…THAT’s why he’s clanless.

    gl maNu <3

  9. flushy: P.O.P said:

    u so cuddly

  10. Si^: T2P - [PG] said:

    <3 namuuuuuu

  11. psunfragga: cc// said:

    Really really good soldier, fantastic pocket and hes incredibly funny. Loved him from day 1, wish you the best of luck finding a team.

  12. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    low- joint rolling

  13. Squeak said:

    I love this man so much, he’s like the cuddliest finn ever despite his ponytail.
    Likes to give advice on sex too when stoned


  14. naMu: LAITON - KUKKO! said:

    ha! i remember that discussion :)

  15. longas said:

    He played with us sometimes in the redCode era, he can handle prem without any problems.

  16. naMu: LAITON - KUKKO! said:

    Yo, Illegal dropped the ball. I am free again, I can do Soldier, Medic, Scout in div1.

  17. kuma said:


  18. Fawni: (ETF2L Donator) - tR67 said:

    cool guy!

  19. tasKu: e-famous said:


  20. MInd: [hePPa] said:


  21. Evilmoon: TLR - [PG] said:


  22. Evilmoon: TLR - [PG] said:


  23. tasKu: e-famous said:

    just a beast!

  24. tasKu: e-famous said:
