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Pyro  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom MrFirefoxX

Posted: | Last Online:

Im a Pyro Demo and Soldier main that is looking for an open highlander team. I have applied for some but want to put this here just incase.
I have 950+ hours and have played lobbies on tf2 center but have never been in a comp team.My time zone is western European (Uk) and I have less time on weekends (mostly sunday) and Thursday, though I may be available some times in those days. Thank you for reading and I hope you consider me on your team!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:167069599 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined DumpsterDivers [6v6 Fun Team] tiqid
Joined DumpsterDivers2.0 [Highlander] tiqid
Joined DumpsterDivers [6v6] tiqid

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  1. james: NIG said:

    hi we are an open team looking for a pyro sub could you try out

  2. james: NIG said:

    hi we are an open team looking for a pyro sub could you add me on steam

  3. MrFirefoxX: DD - DD said:

    erm sorry but im now in a team

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