ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

European Moustache Gaming

Posted by SiTeHBu0mbb: | Last Online:

Team looking for an allround player who can sub. Main classes will be scout and solly.
Preferably dutch-speaking, 18+ is a must.

Contact Pykow for further info and/or trial

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  1. GodOfFail said:

    man this can take really long time…
    say 16+ or something,really there are enough mature people in this age.

  2. RaCio: GoT² said:

    Nice guys!

    Good luck

  3. pykow said:

    thnx , we need some subs or guyz who want to mix with us this summer.
    So everyone has a option to learn

  4. Deman said:

    I heb pykow geadd aan friends maar hij accept niet (nog niet).. Of zoeken jullie geen members meer?

  5. SiTeHBu0mB: DOWN said:

    In reply to GodOfFail:

    We are aware of the fact that it will take a while. Our previous experiences with people below 18 weren’t really positive(that was with css, but still). It might take longer to get a good lineup but then again, it will probably be a more stable lineup.

    Regarding mixes and/or being the 16/17 year old exception, just pm us. However do keep in mind that we did state 18+, If you want all the reasons why add me and I’ll happily give them.



  6. Ghostface: spire said:

    While they’re both FPS games, you can’t really compare a 16+ comp player in TF2 with a 16+ comp player in CS:S. It’s a fact that most CS:S players are 13 and retarded, but still.

  7. punct: Do be - Rambase.ro said:

    These guys are awesome. They can help you improve very fast. Their attitude is excellent.

  8. Tidelag: Rj. - [RJ] said:

    A bunch of friendly, funny lads. A bit racist though ;)

  9. UaLL said:

    i’m english speaking, but if your still looking i’m very interested

  10. UaLL said:

    oh, i’m 27 if that matters