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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Norway Mordi

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello :)

Searching for a high div 4 or div 3 clan.
I\\\'ve got good calls, very good game sence and good experience.
I play as a roaming soldier, ofc I can play pocket, but I\\\'m better as roaming.
I see myself as a very mature guy, tho I like kidding in mixes and stuff, but who dosn\\\'t? :D
I\\\'ve played in a couple of 18+ clans, and I fit with them. 16 years old btw.
Can speak norwegian, swedish and english. (very good english btw :D)

Many guys I\\\'ve played with calls me \\\"fragkÃ

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37054495 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] Old_Grandma
Left renoB [6v6] Mordi
Joined renoB [6v6] Old_Grandma
Left The Last Resort [6v6] Mordi
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] dead account
Left Snus [6v6] grimbar
Joined Snus [6v6] grimbar
Left ImpactDamage [6v6 Fun Team] Slicke
Left ImpactDamage [6v6] Slicke
Joined ImpactDamage [6v6 Fun Team] Slicke
Joined ImpactDamage [6v6] Slicke
Left Björnligan [6v6] Mordi
Joined HOMOZZZ [2v2] Mordi
Joined Björnligan [6v6] DIEHARDD
Left What? [6v6] Mordi
Joined What? [6v6] karit
Left eXhale Powered by Warzone.nu [6v6] Mordi
Joined moneymaker [1v1] Mordi
Joined eXhale Powered by Warzone.nu [6v6] ozonE
Left Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Mordi
Joined Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Mordi
Left Flames of Typhoon [6v6] Mordi
Joined Flames of Typhoon [6v6] SkeleTon
Left Ecliptic Gaming [6v6] Mordi
Joined Ecliptic Gaming [6v6] Mordi
Left Kyrie [6v6] Mordi
Joined Kyrie [6v6] Mordi

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 11 650
View Mid- 23 425


  1. Zebbosai said:

    Really Nice soldier Mid div3 Easy = )

  2. jukebox: broder said:

    dat norsk, pick him up

  3. Ceder! said:

    Nice guy, div3 easy, pick him up! Mordi:D Lena:D

  4. sLayed: LTG. said:

    Playing with him on AE was great, having him as one of my soldiers made me feel safe as medic. He’s a good pocket and a great roamer, give him a buff and he’ll get shit done.

  5. pLay^: C2A said:

    i really recommend him, he is a lot of fun, very social, good caller if you ask me he would be a perfect match with a good div3 team.

  6. caneD: MEAT - LEGO said:

    didn’t know he was 16 til reading this,,,, i thought he was like 19 but ive played aload of mixes with him & hes the balls airshotsthe whole team

  7. Daniel Rumpeslikker: Team Effort - tfortress.no said:

    Talkative and reliable soldier who’s also got a talent in playing demo.

  8. Daniel Rumpeslikker: Team Effort - tfortress.no said:

    Also seems to be very flexible concerning playing times. :D

  9. DIEHARD said:

    Top Division 3 Soldier.

  10. stenolov said:


  11. mrwhizz said:


    Try these guys Mordi :)

  12. Mike: TEZC said:

    yeah mordi go for FcN :)

  13. Ace said:

    He was so hot that I had to add him on Facebook.

  14. ToRn: KÅT - SpA|com said:

    what happened with some players leaving /got kicked out of vanity? :/

  15. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    ToRn, I left because Zebbosai got kicked.

  16. Pissmidget said:

    Very sexy solly.

  17. spendy said:

    pr0 <3

  18. huhystah said:

    top div 3 soldier