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PyroSniperSoldier  Prem Skill, 6v6

International Mission

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Hello, my name is Mission for That Unusual (Mission for A Unusual! on Steam) or Mission as a nickname, and I'm doing this for fun (If that is against competitive rules or something, then I'm sorry). I prefer playing as Pyro, Sniper, and Soldier. I don't go W+M1 as a Pyro, and I usually don't care if I get a body shot or head shot as Sniper. I prefer not using a Mic too. Since I'm in the U.S (if that is against the rules, then yet again, I'm sorry)
I'm usually available from 4:00 PM Central to 10:00 PM on Mon-Fri and 12:00 PM- 10:00 PM Central on Sat-Sun.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:107400549 Add Friend

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  1. Spiff said:

    hahahahahahahahahahahaha this was a good laugh thanks

  2. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    ^Ignore him.

    I guess you’re from the United States. This is a European League. Also prem is the highest level and Division 6 the lowest. You should try UGC (Iron/Steel Division) or ozfortress:


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