ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Low/Open Skill, 6v6

European Madness

Posted by Korra: | Last Online:

recruiting fresh players new to comp and eager to learn how to play i am looking for
pocket solly
trials , be keen no toxic
dm me on discord korra6666

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  1. TeiCleM: pipikakapu said:

    sad that i got joined the other team :(

  2. Lighter said:

    Low/Open Skill, 6v6 again bro?

  3. Gabbo said:

    If you’re still looking for a Medic player, I may have some interest. Have been wanting to try get into competetive medic for a while and felt now would be a good opportunity to.

  4. Korra: MAGDONAL - Arti Rush said:

    yes sir lighter xd

  5. shirtokiya said:

    “sir i am a certified d2 player that kills teams for a living”

  6. Korra: MAGDONAL - Arti Rush said:

    i leave the teams if i get demotivated from all the toxic stuff i don’t like killing teams but i am usually left with no choice :D

  7. Korra: MAGDONAL - Arti Rush said:

    now leave me alone shirtokiya i don’t want this rec post to be just me and u cringing at each other

  8. Peams: TEMU said:

    Can’t avoid the inevitable

  9. Lighter said:

    this team will die by your hands again