ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

England Men Without Hats

Posted by Knifey: | Last Online:

Hi My name is Knifey and i am here looking for people who would like to be a member for this team!

Mains needed:

Subs Needed:

This is me being a first time leader but i have previously played in another highlander team for a few months
Since this is an open team The requirements are not too high . These are a minimum
atleast 750+Hours In TF2 ( This is so you have a general idea of what you are doing)
Teamspeak/Mumble. We will need to be communicating during matches, we will mainly be using teamspeak but we may change
You must be able to speak english
You should have a sense of humour, It will make things go alot smoother and funner if you do.
That's Pretty Much it, you can contact me by adding me if you want to join/ more info.

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  1. Maui: Ed said:

    Hey ! Interested in demo spot. I have 1260 hours in tf2 and 150+ in said class. Lobbies experience.

  2. Shud said:

    Sup! I wanna play demo got a total amount of 5k hours and have played comp seasons before. Added you ;)

  3. Shud said:

    I can also provide an teamspeak server ;)

  4. minifazza said:

    hi interested mainly in scout solly, sniper or spy but can play all the classes and i have had lobby experience ad im english

  5. minifazza said:

    hi interested mainly in scout solly, sniper or spy but can play all the classes and i have had lobby experience ad im english so yeh

  6. Fuzzy said:

    im looking to play either sniper,scout or soldier – i have 100+ on each with about 1400 in total. Im English ad available to play when ever, i have 2 seasons of HL and 2 seasons of 6s played

  7. Hiraga said:

    Hey, I’m a scout/Soldier main, I have experience in all classes with the exceptions of Sniper and Engineer.

    I have over 350+ hours played on this account alone, as I switched from my previous account with over 300 hours played (3rd account by this point in time), I have over 150 hours as scout (collectively throughout accounts, although probably more) and 100+ hours as spy.

    My classes that I will usually play will be:
    Scout (on CP maps mainly)
    Soldier (when power is required)
    Medic (when the team is being picked off)
    Spy (when attacking Payload maps)

    My name is Hiraga, you can check out my steam account here. If you are interested in hiring me, please message me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078448656/
    Also, my friend Armagedgehog is a Medic main. We have good experience as pocket solider/medic combo. Please also specify if you’d like to hire him also: http://steamcommunity.com/id/armagedgehog

    Thank you for your time.

  8. Purple: DJ said:

    Hello im a pyro main. I have 1200+ hours in tf2 and over a 100 in pyro. Here is my steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/satan666satan666satan

  9. Brujman: /ff said:

    Hello I am a 16 years old boy who’s looking for a team as roamer or soldier in highlander. I actually have 700 hours as soldier (i reseted my stats). I did about 350 lobbies and I do mge a lot. I have pretty good calls, good strats and I have a very good skill. I already did a season last year. Of course I speak english. I can play every wednesday until 20, every thursday until 17 and 1/2 week-end. Add me on : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198095238286/

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