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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European sloldier

Posted: | Last Online:

21, roamer, not mge tryharder, really keen, but bloody serious.

I know how to play tf2, the problem is I lack high lvl tf2 experience to get anywhere over div4. Just have to think a fair bit before making a good decision, so I need routine.
Too many div4 dmixes without tracking enemy ubers damaged my brain.

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Left meeh bleeh pffffff [6v6] sloldier
Joined meeh bleeh pffffff [6v6] sloldier
Left Bleh [6v6] sloldier
Joined Bleh [6v6] sloldier

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  1. Regen: nf. - 9F said:

    Have you played in a season before? just wondering

  2. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    average time in a team:
    1 day

  3. MightyMe: UbeR | said:

    Has the brain, just needs time to get the aim, but could easily handle div 4.
    And is really keen by spectating shitload of games to improve his own skill ;)

  4. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    knows the metagame better than the average div2/1 player, just needs to put it into practice

    not terrible aim from what i’ve seen, should do fine

    just less pessimism and should be good to go