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Demoman  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Netherlands Emsee

Posted: | Last Online:

Wazzup my name's MC and I'm looking to join a div4 team as demo. I have a lot of experience and my DM is pretty good. I'm looking for a team that has a fun atmoshpere, no bashing eachother etc. I'd like to scrim 2-3 times a week.
I'm really looking for a team that has been together for a while and that will be together for a while.

Not much more to say I think, add me if you wanna trial me! Thanks!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:39001452 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined UbeR powered by Gnoegaming.eu [6v6] sno
Left WackyWavingInflatableArmFlailingTubeMen [6v6] Emsee
Left Netherlands [National Highlander Team] Nik
Left Team-Awesome! [Highlander] lazyluk
Joined Netherlands [National Highlander Team] kKaltUu
Joined WackyWavingInflatableArmFlailingTubeMen [6v6] sno
Left Band Of Merry Faggots [6v6] Emsee
Joined Band Of Merry Faggots [6v6] m4dny
Left UbeR powered by Gnoegaming.eu [6v6] Emsee
Left Blunt Pandas [6v6 Fun Team] Emsee
Joined Team-Awesome! [Highlander] Rob!
Left #Killa-Beez E-sports [Highlander] Emsee
Joined UbeR powered by Gnoegaming.eu [6v6] Emsee
Left SnorrenBrigade [6v6] Emsee
Joined #Killa-Beez E-sports [Highlander] Emsee
Left Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] botman
Joined SnorrenBrigade [6v6] Emsee
Left Mitchiri Neko [6v6] Emsee
Joined Mitchiri Neko [6v6] Emsee
Joined Blunt Pandas [6v6 Fun Team] Emsee
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] Emsee
Left Original Gangsters [Highlander] Emsee
Left Team Desolus [6v6] Emsee
Joined Team Desolus [6v6] Emsee
Left SnorrenBrigade [6v6] Emsee
Joined SnorrenBrigade [6v6] Emsee
Left HPSTR [6v6] Emsee
Left Alternate Start [6v6 Fun Team] Emsee
Joined Alternate Start [6v6 Fun Team] Emsee
Joined HPSTR [6v6] Emsee
Joined Original Gangsters [Highlander] Emsee
Left Nobody Expects The Dutch Internet Police [6v6] Ninthsaint
Joined Nobody Expects The Dutch Internet Police [6v6] Emsee

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 17 335
View Div 5 13 245


  1. m1k said:

    bad at dota

  2. m1k said:

    also sends me unimpressive logs all the time, but that’s just me being negative

  3. toogyboogy: (ETF2L Donator) - SOFT - bobs said:

    cool guy, has friends in high places.

  4. Spudd: (´・ω・`) - bobs said:

    I love you MC <3

    Pretty funny guy and a great demoman :) Would do well in div 4 fo' sho'

  5. Moon said:

    This man is a traitorous cur that is renowned for pillaging innocent people of their possessions and raping many harmless children. Refrain from going anywhere near him.

    You have been warned.

    Other than that he is alright. Don’t expect any decent pipes though because he sucks ass.

  6. kyb597: BuZzBuZz said:

    I give him my seal of approval. That’s saying alot (I’m totally who E-Thug was refering to).

    Fun guy, really solid demo, good at running in circles. 10/10 qt.

  7. Marmite: 9 ☆ said:

    Sick demo ;)

  8. BnB: pλ. said:

    Great guy and player

  9. Mak: <3 said:

    handsome man

  10. Mak: <3 said:

    lol, mik. You’re not the only one.

  11. Wolves with Flowers said:

    Awesome person
    Awesome player

  12. Ace said:

    He is the demo ETF2L deserves, and I also hope he’s needed aswell, best superhero. Dogwelder approves.

  13. Winterz: (è_é) said:

    He’s dutch, what do you want more?

  14. Xearo: GTD said:

    Super neato pl4y4,

  15. MC: UbeR | said:


  16. Deox: myx - wL. said:

    Pretty s1ck, but im still da best!

  17. Marvin: dogs.tf said:

    Plays civilization 5 at easy difficulty, what more could you ask for?

    Other than that, he likes to think during games which makes him an exceptionally valuable player. Good luck MC

  18. TheJayBelmont said:

    MC can’t lift at all.

    Other than that he’s pretty amazing.


  19. Czar: VΛ // said:


  20. Jakebx: fnx said:

    Fun to play with. Oh and i guess he’s alright at video games