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Heavy  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, Highlander

Netherlands MB

Posted: | Last Online:

It seems the end of s7 means the end of GOLD, so I'm on the market again for both UGC and ETF2L. The couple of plat matches I played with v3 last season were the kind of challenge I want/need to improve and help me rekindle the love I had for heavy, so I'm looking for a main spot in a plat/d2(+if you're desperate/want to take a walk on the wild side) team to play for. Whether your team is for both or just one of the two leagues doesn't matter to me, but I’d like you to be moderately serious because I do want to try and improve.

I'm generally available 3 or so nights a week for scrims and the like as long as I know about them a decent amount of time in advance.

Feel free to add me for any questions and the like.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:86538926 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Netherlands [National Highlander Team] Nightmare
Joined Freelancing Astronauts [6v6] Chime
Left Redundant Brackets [6v6] MB
Joined Here for the Beer [LAN Team] Aoshi
Joined The Underwatch [Highlander] Probably Alligator
Left Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] MB
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] MoistPenguin
Left Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] MB
Joined Redundant Brackets [6v6] Forty-Two
Left Whitelist.tf [6v6] MB
Joined Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] Aoshi
Left its Team [Highlander] MB
Joined its Team [Highlander] Flappy
Left Team Rocket [Highlander] MB
Joined ME!ME!MEMES! [LAN Team] OsZ
Joined men united ;) [2v2] Flappy
Joined Team Rocket [Highlander] Gregoravich
Left Grumpy Old Men Club [Highlander] MB
Joined Stream Team [6v6 Fun Team] Forty-Two
Left Pee-Force 9 [6v6 Fun Team] MB
Joined Whitelist.tf [6v6] >MF<
Left T-A!: Get Ready To Die [6v6] MB
Joined Grumpy Old Men Club [Highlander] ElazulTF2
Left ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] MB
Joined ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Lyrete
Left 64-ʙɪᴛ [Highlander] MB
Joined T-A!: Get Ready To Die [6v6] TSM
Left SnorrenBrigade [6v6] MB
Joined 64-ʙɪᴛ [Highlander] Forty-Two
Left Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] MB
Joined Netherlands [National Highlander Team] kKaltUu
Joined Pee-Force 9 [6v6 Fun Team] Flappy
Joined Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Bramelvix
Left Super Secret Monkey Mafia [Highlander] MB
Joined SnorrenBrigade [6v6] Wiethoofd
Left Team Team Team Two [6v6] MB
Joined Team Team Team Two [6v6] Zyberst
Left Six Sexy Suckers [6v6] MB
Joined Super Secret Monkey Mafia [Highlander] Eatable
Left Team Team [Highlander] MB
Left Meat Meat [6v6 Fun Team] MB
Joined Six Sexy Suckers [6v6] MB
Left is this dota? [6v6] MB
Joined is this dota? [6v6] MB
Joined Meat Meat [6v6 Fun Team] MB
Joined Team Team [Highlander] MB

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid/High 9 475
View Div 3/Div 4 31 1006
View Div 3 14 706
View Div 4/Div 5 20 780


  1. Flappy: W.tf - its said:

    Did you know MEGA BLASTOISE is a UGC admin?

    MY BOI is also really cool and MANLY BOOBIES is a good heavy

  2. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    nice, but not d2

  3. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    mr guy pls.

    worst pokemon streamer eu 8)

  4. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    why is honesty not appreciated anymore ;_;

  5. Eatable said:

    Because it interrupts the pro-MB circlejerk we’re trying to set up here.

    In all seriousness though, nice guy, prem revving, sexy heavy overall.

  6. nole: BWB said:

    “Rogue fucking call damage on mids”
    good offclass heavy in 6s tho 8)

  7. ElazulTF2 said:

    MB is such a good buddy to have on your team, he doesnt talk too much, never rages, and willing to come to any talk or meeting he can attend to. He has plenty of experience and could be certainly a very good asset to a strong team in d3. I do think d2 could be a bit of a push and another season in division 3 could help him wipe out his mistakes and get him to the top.
    Best of luck to you MB.
    Pick this heavy before it’s too late.

  8. . said:

    Talking to the guy since we’ve met, really cool person to hang out with, he’s nice and calm, always up for talk about anything. Had his debute in platinum last UGC season that didn’t go well but I am pretty sure next ones will be better. I am sorry to say it tho, but div 2 might be a too much push for him, div 3 would be ideal and the best, I am not stoping you tho! Abundant gamesense for this level and nice tracking. You should really take him.

    Good luck! :B1:

  9. Leftism: W.tf - KC&LtL said:

    MEGA BOT was on my lunchbox as a kid. Best Heavy. :>

  10. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    I don’t understand these people here.

    Everyone is sucking dicks of people who are LFT Prem/Div1 even though we all know it’s a huge push. Noone complains though. Why is there no cocksucking for MB?

    Well, dunno. Didnt play with or against him in quite a while, no idea what div he fits in nowadays. But if there’s one thing he has, it’s a good heart. Never saw him angry, his criticism is always constructive and he tries his best to always keep mumble atmosphere in a good mood. So if you like him ingame, that should trigger the vote for you to pick him up.

    Good Luck Megabyte.

    Additionally this cook sounds like MajorBane with a different accent.


  11. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    I guess MB just has the type of friends that are honest

  12. bluR-: Pander said:

    megabyte is def better than mr guy.. seriously now

  13. teej! said:

    You need this MassiveBooty in your life

  14. kryma said:

    In my opinion MB isn’t good enough for Division 2 yet, too many mistakes. He is extremely friendly tho. Give him a spot in div 3/4 :)

  15. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    “In my opinion” MB is a lovely guy, always looking to improve, never ever seen or heard him somewhat near mad or angry.
    I also believe the playstyle of every single player, including MB, changes a lot depending on how his team is playing. As GOLD we didn’t had sooo much teamwork so you can’t blame him (only) for mistakes we all made. Just trial him and you will make your own idea :)

    GL MB!

  16. MB: *fast said:

    I have both honest and circlejerking friends. Then there’s this mr guy guy :P

    I suppose I’ll elaborate a bit more on why I made it just 2, because as people have said, it is a push. Well, for starters, it’s the cool thing to do in (highlander) recruitment posts. Second, and most importantly, I feel I was a bit too complacent last season. Not to the point of smugness, but definitely not critical enough. I wasn’t practicing(in and outside of actual gameplay) or warming up my aim, just playing scrims and matches. I stopped looking to improve at every opportunity. And I was getting away with it so there was no incentive to change. While it definitely made me less frustrated (which is good), I think I want to go back to improving or, well, playing at a certain standard like I used to. Back to the old me. I feel I’d need to, at least in a trial or two, not get away with my mistakes to make that happen.

    And now that any d2 team that read this immediately passes me by because I “just want to get smashed above my level”, I’ve changed the searching divs to 2/3.

  17. regen: o7 said:

    He is literally one of the nicest people in comp, so you should take him in your home just for that.
    Though I need more evaluation because I haven’t played against him in such a long time. :>

  18. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    Not saying he isn’t the nicest and most laidback dude ever btw