ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedic  Div 6 Skill, 6v6


Posted by PlasticBag: | Last Online:

Hey, My name is PlasticBag. I'm a leader of a new Israeli team, and I'm trying to achieve the (so I've been told) unachievable, opening a new serious Israeli team, with mostly people who are quite new to competitive tf2.
we currently have a Roamer (me, PlasticBag) a Pocket (Lampy the Nobel ass fish) and 2 Scouts (Yoyo and Vinyl Scratch), and the rest are either subs for PCW's or people who are in trial. We are looking for 2 serious demo and medic.

*Speaks Hebrew
*Knows basic competitive medic shit (Priority heals)
*Knows how to stay alive (Dodge) and doesn't drop ubers
*Experience in mix'sgatherspickups.
IMPORTANT! as a med on our team, you'll need to be MAIN CALL! so if you can't call.. you probably wouldn't join.

*Speaks Hebrew
*Decent dm
*Experience in mix'sgatherspickups (every competitive game that has voice chat with your team)
*Knows rollouts

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  1. General CaspeR: YH said:

    Just heads up, if you are looking to join for the new season your kinda late

  2. PlasticBag said:

    CaspeR yep i know :P

  3. OrangeCase: C-A said:

    Hi, my name is OrangeCase
    and im playing medic and i would like to join a team

    *I am speaking hebrew
    *I know medic’s shit
    *I Know how to dodge and i can still practice on it and become better (you can always test me)
    *I didnt experience that but i did on lobbies (with the voice)
    *I can download and i can be main call (or whatever this shit)

    I hope im good for you..

    other notes:
    I already saw vinyl scratch and i think i met you too (not really sure).
    I know a really good demoman that we can invite, we played some matches and we are really good together…

    My steam name: OrangeCase

    good luck ;)

  4. Winkey Horseburger said:

    Well kinda new to competive
    Speak hebrew
    Pretty good in my opinion
    Add me to test

    Steam name:Mr.Winkey

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