Posted by PlasticBag: | Last Online:
Hey, My name is PlasticBag. I'm a leader of a new Israeli team, and I'm trying to achieve the (so I've been told) unachievable, opening a new serious Israeli team, with mostly people who are quite new to competitive tf2.
we currently have a Roamer (me, PlasticBag) a Pocket (Lampy the Nobel ass fish) and 2 Scouts (Yoyo and Vinyl Scratch), and the rest are either subs for PCW's or people who are in trial. We are looking for 2 serious demo and medic.
*Speaks Hebrew
*Knows basic competitive medic shit (Priority heals)
*Knows how to stay alive (Dodge) and doesn't drop ubers
*Experience in mix'sgatherspickups.
IMPORTANT! as a med on our team, you'll need to be MAIN CALL! so if you can't call.. you probably wouldn't join.
*Speaks Hebrew
*Decent dm
*Experience in mix'sgatherspickups (every competitive game that has voice chat with your team)
*Knows rollouts
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Just heads up, if you are looking to join for the new season your kinda late
CaspeR yep i know :P
Hi, my name is OrangeCase
and im playing medic and i would like to join a team
*I am speaking hebrew
*I know medic’s shit
*I Know how to dodge and i can still practice on it and become better (you can always test me)
*I didnt experience that but i did on lobbies (with the voice)
*I can download and i can be main call (or whatever this shit)
I hope im good for you..
other notes:
I already saw vinyl scratch and i think i met you too (not really sure).
I know a really good demoman that we can invite, we played some matches and we are really good together…
My steam name: OrangeCase
good luck ;)
Well kinda new to competive
Speak hebrew
Pretty good in my opinion
Add me to test
Steam name:Mr.Winkey