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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania mantasJESUS

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm Scumbag Mantas and I play Roam Soldier. I am currently looking for a team in div4 or div 5.
I have a decent Game sense and an average DM skill level.In Season 13 I went unbeaten in Div 6 and since then i spend allot of time on MGE, tf2lobby, etc.
People that want to know more about me :
Name : Mantas
Nationality: Lithuanian , Currently Living in Ireland (Dublin)
English : Fluent.
Age : 18.
I have a very complex time table since I'm in University , and I got a stably job + Some Night shifts.
I'm mostly be available to train everyday from around 9 In the evening( London Time).
Only time When I would not be able too Is when I work nights.
I always try to squeeze couple of games of MGE whenever I have time. Most Importantly I'm keen too learn.
Thanks for reading ,Hope to hear from you later.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:52751938 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Chode [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left TEZC | RED [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined TEZC | RED [6v6] unexpected.
Left Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Left Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Left LifeTimeClan [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Team Chode [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left 4ever [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Joined LifeTimeClan [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined 4ever [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left LioL [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined LioL [6v6] mantasJESUS

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 6 371
View Div 4/Div 5 18 758
View Div 4/Div 5 3 397
View Div 4/Div 5 9 538
View Div 5/Div 6 6 550
View Div 6 0 206


  1. MOUSSA: .:ne:. said:

    div 4 ? :D nu ok seni sekmes

  2. mantasJESUS said:

    Kazka maisai man atrodo.

  3. mantasJESUS said:


  4. Admirael said:

    Can div 5 for any team, should do fine in div 4 with a keen team and nice guys. Pick him up, GL mate

  5. jhayward (✿◠‿: F! said:


  6. mantasJESUS said:

    I think theirs a big Problem here, A lot of you mistaken me for someone else… I’m not Italian Mantas I’m not Mantasas, I get comments that are completely irrelevant to me.So yeah just wanted to let you know that.

  7. NeuTronas said:

    D4 in 145 days (ETF2L registration date.). You must be very talented or tryharder. GL

  8. Kokojambo: IDM. said:

    Ėėė, NeuTronai, jeigu tu per 3 metus išlieki ketvirto divo lygio, tai dar nereiškia, jog ir kiti tokie pat. :C

  9. Insane Aug said:

    Should do well in div 4.

  10. mantas: 2puck said:

    someday i’ll change this name :V…nice dm –> pick him up

  11. Peveiks: tB said:

    Neutronai byby ciulpk

  12. byte said:

    This guy can beat Usain bolt on a bad day, this guy can beat Chuck Norris with his gold chain, this guy can beat the best drug lord known to man kind (kaidus), this guy can aim almost as good as me with a shotgun dmg of 90hp :D

    He can also pleasure u for a long passionate night of you know what……………..ABUSE :D

    But in all seriousness he’s worthy of a div 5/4 clan and is a quick learner <3 mantas :3



  13. mantasJESUS said:

    Lol Byte…

  14. mantasJESUS said:


  15. mantasJESUS said:


  16. mantasJESUS said:


  17. mantasJESUS said:


  18. Lokter: UCAP. - 8D said:

    Mantas <3 Easily capable of div4.

  19. mantasJESUS said:

    Bumping Till Find Team

  20. mantasJESUS said:


  21. mantasJESUS said:


  22. mantasJESUS said:


  23. Pynklùùùnningen: CotC said:

    “D4 in 145 days (ETF2L registration date.). You must be very talented or tryharder.”
    GL fake mantas

  24. mantasJESUS said:

    Pynkluuuninen or whatever your name is , go BANG YOUR HEAD AGAINST THE WALL AND LEARN TO READ !!! Useless twats coming and talking shit .

  25. Bets! said:

    Very nice soldier :) totally up to a div4 team :)

  26. Admirael said:

    I don’t understand why he hasn’t found a new team yet, such a nice guy and knows how to play, take him you won’t regret :)

  27. mantasJESUS said:


  28. mantasJESUS said:


  29. mantasJESUS said:

    Back in Business , hit me up

  30. Clarks said:

    Let me get you a free bump.
    Div 5 maybe, div 4 – no. And it wasn’t YOU that went undefeated, it was a team you’ve been in. Unless ofcourse you want to take all the credit.
    And having that name is like being a pornstar with a nickname of “Blue waffle”. Not really the best choice.

    Anyways, who am I to judge. Later.