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Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania mantasJESUS

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello I'm Mantas And I am currently looking For a div 6 team .I main Soldier but I can play scout too.
I Have a Good Enough Game sense to play comp .
Been practicing alot on my aim on number of MGE Servers.
I play high number of tf2lobbies , whenever I have time to.
I have mic most importantly, And I speak fluent english.
Would like to play as a roaming soldier.
Only flaw I have is college , so i wouldn't be able to practice on some days.
Thanks for reading, hope to hearing from whomever is reading this.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:52751938 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Chode [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left TEZC | RED [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined TEZC | RED [6v6] unexpected.
Left Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Left Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Left LifeTimeClan [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Team Chode [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left 4ever [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Joined LifeTimeClan [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined 4ever [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left LioL [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined LioL [6v6] mantasJESUS

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4/Div 5 6 371
View Div 4/Div 5 18 758
View Div 4/Div 5 3 397
View Div 4/Div 5 9 537
View Div 4/Div 5 30 1194
View Div 6 0 206


  1. CVM: 8D said:

    My favourite Lithuanian/Jamaican! DM is definitely above div6. Very keen to learn and get properly stuck into some real organised 6v6 play. Pick him up, I’m sure he won’t disappoint! :)

  2. Head Hunter said:

    Not quite sure how you missed ‘4’ and put ‘6’ considering how those keys aren’t even next to eachother. Div 4 in no time easy mode. Best of luck

  3. CVM: 8D said:

    Was just watching him on MGE, beasting it with triple airshots. Seriously, snap the boy up NOW! :D

  4. mantasJESUS said:

    Thanks for your support.And for nice comments

  5. mantasJESUS said:


  6. byte said:

    Has improved alot recently, and has clearly put in the time in his main class (soldier), aim wise easily div 5, just needs a home to to give him the chance and experience!

    As i’ve been playing against him in MGE and also lobbying with him quite obvious he’s gradually improved ^.^

    On the other hand, he supplies everyone with drugs all courtesy of Usain Bolt, being that Mantas is actually Jamaican and can sprint quicker than Bolt chasing drugs down a 100m stretch :D


    gl bud

